- Actually, analyzing people's attitude towards death is analyzing his attitude toward living and life. 分析人的死亡态度,实际上就是分析人对待生命和生活的态度。
- As you get older your attitude towards death changes. 人随著年龄的增长,对死亡的看法也会有所改变。
- living towards death 向死生存
- He has an ambivalence in attitude toward death. 他对死亡有着矛盾态度。
- While we unburdened crawl toward death. 好让我安安心心地等死。
- As you get older your attitude towards death changes . 人随着年龄的增长,对死亡的看法也会有所改变。
- Darkness travels towards light, but blindness towards death. 黑暗向光明旅行,但是盲者却向死亡旅行。
- Darkness travels towards light, but blindness toward death. 黑暗迈向光明;盲目却走向死亡.
- Darkness-ravels towards wightvbut blindness towards death. 黑暗向光明旅行,但是盲者却向死亡旅行。
- All days travel towards death, the last one reaches it. 所有的日子都走向死亡,最后一天到达。
- Darkness travels towards light, but blindess towards death. 黑暗趋向光明,而盲目却走向死亡。
- As people have different attitudes towards death, their awareness of death differs from one another, and so it is with their living state and their spiritual personality. 由于人们对死亡的关怀态度不同,生成的死亡意识就会不一样,关乎到人的生存状态和精神个性也会不一样。
- In the role of the railway track, suburbs gradually urbanized, and people living toward the suburbanization. 在轨道铁路的作用下,郊区逐步城市化,而人们的居住走向了郊区化。
- From a series of rituals before and after death, we can see Mongolian's calm attitude towards death, which embodied religious belief and outlook on life. 从蒙古族人临终前后的一系列仪式中,我们可以看到蒙古人对待死亡的从容态度,这些仪式也集中体现了蒙古人的宗教信仰和人生观。
- Ultimately, the closer Bergman got toward death, the less he was fearful of it. 最终,伯格曼离死亡越近,他对死亡的恐惧越少。
- Period is a period of Chinese feudalism towards death, but also foreign cultures wantonly invading China period. 这段时期,是中国封建王朝走向寿终正寝的时期,也是外国文化大肆侵入中国的时期。
- Po Yi, who lived towards the end of the Yin Dynasty, opposed the expedition of King Wu of Chou against the House of Yin. 伯夷,殷末人,周武王进军讨伐殷王朝,他曾经表示反对;
- Henry enjoyed going into woods and living life in the raw. 亨利喜欢到树林里去过最简朴的生活。
- Exile was for him a living death. 他遭流放是进了活地狱。
- After watching Cheryl, my daughter-in-law, through the six long months her mother suffered towards death, I think the most painful moments can be in the waiting to say good-bye. 眼见我的儿媳谢丽尔在她母亲临近死亡前长达的六个月痛苦经历后,我觉得最悲伤的时候应该是等待说再见的过程。