- In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk. 在大多数市场上可买到散装新鲜水果。
- It is more convenient to transport the goods in bulk. 散装运送货物更方便。
- Mr Hobbs bought food in bulk at the local cash and carry. 霍布斯先生在本地一家现购自运式商店购买了大量食品。
- We ship most of our oil in bulk. 我们装运的油大多数是散装的。
- Grain is often transported in bulk. 谷物常以散装运输。
- It comes cheaper if you buy thing in bulk. 成批买东西价格会便宜些。
- He carries the load in his office. 他负担最重的责任。
- Buy food in bulk at the local cash and carry. 在本地现购自运式商店购买了大量食品。
- His wife carry the load in that family. 他妻子是家中的顶梁柱。
- The goods will be shipped in bulk. 此货将散装发运。
- It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk. 成批买东西就便宜些.
- The farmers sell their products in bulk. 农场主大批地出售他们的农产品。
- She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk. 她喜欢批量购买东西,比如面巾纸。
- And they often bought bulbs in bulk to save money. 特迪是一名屠夫的儿子。
- They buy and sell leather goods in bulk. 他们成批买卖皮货。
- If you buy in bulk, you can get far cheaper. 如果你大量购买,可以便宜得多。
- Do not back up while concentrating on the load in front. 后退时不要只注意前方。
- Things are usually cheaper if you buy them in bulk. 如果你整批买这些东西的话是较便宜的。
- Restaurants can buy fish in bulk at a fish market. 餐馆可以在渔业市场上大批量买鱼。
- Are you ordering in bulk or in small quantities? 您想批量购买还是少量购买?