- The product of the transfer function and FFT spectrum of source voltage is further IFFT to the voltage waveform on load of test equipment. 并与拉氏解析法所得之波形比较验证当电路时间常数甚小于电源脉波波宽则仪器负载上之脉波波形受上升与下降时间之影响亦只佔甚小之比率。
- Algebra equations of series and parallel of impedance are used to obtain the frequency domain transfer function or ratio of phaser voltage on load of test equipment to the phasor voltage of source. 以频域阻抗串并联代数分析法求得仪器负载上相量电压与电源相量电压比之转换函数,此转换函数与电源电压波形经快速富氏转换所得频谱之积,再以快速反富氏转换求得量测仪器负载上之电压波形。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- I've never heard such a load of garbage! 这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过。
- The nurse bears a load of anxiety. 那个护士焦虑不已。
- Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! 你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!
- The truck dumped its load of sand on the driveway. 卡车将沙子卸在车道上。
- The truck was carrying a load of sand. 卡车装运一车沙子。
- He's talking (a load of) codswallop. 他(满口)胡说八道。
- Can you help me to get this load of sand up against the tree? 你能帮我把这堆沙推到那棵树旁边吗?
- The camera has a full load of film. 这架照相机装有一整卷胶卷
- Plug up holes in terms of source and system. 从源头上、制度上堵塞漏洞。
- Get a copy of source from the server. 从服务器获得源文件的副本。
- An array of source code strings to compile. 要编译的源代码字符串的数组。
- The robbers put the arm on a big load of furs. 强盗们抢劫了一大批的皮货。
- They groaned under the load of taxes. 他们在赋税的重压下受折磨。
- The baker contracted for a load of flour. 面包师订了买一车面粉的合同。
- His book is (a load of) rubbish. 他的书简直是废话(连篇).
- You're talking a load of rubbish! 你说的是一堆废话!
- Class Designer does not keep track of the location of source files. 类设计器不会跟踪源文件的位置。