- Iftekhar Hasan,Larry D.Wall:Determinants of the Loan Loss Allowance:Some Cross-Country Comparisons,The Financial Review 39 (2004) 129-152 陆军;李字嘉.;国际贷款损失准备金制度的最新发展及其对我国的启示
- loan loss allowance 备抵贷款损失
- Loan Loss Provision An expense set aside as an allowance for bad loans (customer defaults, or terms of a loan have to be renegotiated, etc). 贷款损失准备金预留应付坏账的款项(客户违约、需要重新磋商贷款条款等)
- Loan loss reserve inner part control system of design is exaltation our country commercial bank loan loss reserve inner part control efficiency of foundation terrace. 贷款损失准备金内部控制体系的设计是提高我国商业银行贷款损失准备金内部控制效率的基础性平台。
- This paper introduces the kinds and extraction methods of loan loss reserve, and advances some suggestions on perfecting Chinese loan loss reserve system. 介绍了贷款损失准备金的种类及提取方法,提出了完善我国贷款损失准备制度的几点建议。
- AMEX surging consumer loan loss certainly is a big concern on consumer spending forthcoming, as the housing and high oil prices with sub-prime spreading now to consumer credit. AMEX的消费者贷款亏损上升肯定对消费者未来消费是一大忧虑;因楼市和高油价以致次按扩散影响到消费者信贷。
- With loan losses still climbing, banks are loth to throw money around. 随着贷款的损失不断增加,银行不情愿将钱贷出去。
- The reserve system of the loan loss is our country the commercial bank with circumspection conducts of a long effect system, develops an important function in the aspects of dissolving loan risk. 摘要贷款损失准备金制度是我国商业银行审慎经营的一项长效制度,在化解贷款风险方面发挥了重要的作用。
- Other one is banking system pressure measured by the non-performing loan (NPL) and loan loss position (PLL). This pressure will trigger the banking crisis under a certain condition. 另一个指标是用银行的坏帐和坏帐准备金数量衡量的银行系统压力,这种压力在一定条件下会演变为银行危机。
- An allowance made for a loss in value of property. 折旧对财物价值的损失所作的折扣
- As most of CDB's lending is to government agencies, or projects backed by Beijing, loan losses have tended to be low. 不过由于该行的大部分贷款都流向了政府机构,或是政府背景的项目,因此损失往往比较少。
- Sallie Mae has been the biggest provider of such lending, but it is becoming more selective amid mounting loan losses and tighter credit markets. 学生贷款营销协会是提供这类贷款的机构中规模最大的,但随着贷款损失的增加以及信贷市场的收紧,它在选择放贷对象方面也越来越严格了。
- This article intends to examine the incentives for bank managers to use discretionary loan losses provisions as a method to lower earnings variability. 中文摘要本文旨在探讨影响银行经理人运用裁决性坏帐费用提列以降低盈馀变异性之诱因。
- This next stage will be less spectacular, thanks to accrual accounting, in which loan losses are realised gradually and offset by reserves. 下一个时期可能并不会很惊人了,因为权责发生制,这可以使贷款损失被逐渐认清而且会被用储蓄来抵消掉。
- Loan losses are high, but the spreads are so large that with any semblance of credit discipline there should be room for profits. 虽然存在大量的呆账,但存贷利率差价如此之大,给任何表面上守信用的银行都提供了盈利空间。
- That's unlikely to happen when the demand for credit is in the ditch and loan losses are crimping banks' capital and lending capacity. 当信贷需求疲软以及贷款损失束缚了银行资本和放款能力时,超额准备金问题就不可能会出现了。
- It is found in this study that a bank with poorer earnings also use discretionary loan losses provisions in addition to realized gains and losses on securities for sale. 盈馀较差之银行,在使用处分有价证券损益方法之同时,也大量使用裁决性坏帐费用之提列。
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母亲逝世,我特向你慰问。
- The new loan has been oversubscribed. 新债券的认购已超额了。
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可悲的损失?