- The American loan crisis erupts, already had more than one year of time. 美国次贷危机爆发,已经有一年多的时间了。
- Of course, we are meeting loan crisis still need to continue to sum up. 当然,我们对于次贷危机的原因仍需要继续总结。
- Because of the publicity surrounding his case, Keating became known as the “poster boy of the savings and loan crisis. 由于基汀案件的声名远播,基汀变成知名的”储蓄信贷危机的看板人物”。
- China's extraordinary lending boom already is raising the specter of another nonperforming loan crisis like the 1990s. 国非同寻常的贷款增长已经开始让人们担心有可能会再度爆发90年代时的那种不良贷款危机。
- By the time the U.S. loan crisis, the British credit market funds is weak, the major banks in refinancing costs soar. 受美国次贷危机影响,英国信贷市场资金薄弱,各大银行的再融资成本飙升。
- This bank loses seriously in the loan crisis, the credit rating organization Standard and Poor Company on 24th reduced its credit rank. 该银行在次贷危机中损失惨重,信用评级机构标准普尔公司24日降低了其信用级别。
- The people discussed the tiger changes color the loan crisis was only the overture, present's crisis already expanded to the nearly all bond variety. 人们谈虎变色的次贷危机只是序曲,现在的危机已经扩大到几乎所有债券品种。
- The loan crisis evolved the global economic crisis, proliferates from the US to Europe and Asia countries and so on Iceland, Britain and Japan. 次贷危机已演变成全球经济危机,从美国扩散到冰岛、英国和日本等欧亚国家。
- Michigan the loan crisis and the automobile industry bleak dual attack, the unemployment rate reaches 7.6%, comes first in of entire US. 密执安州受次贷危机和汽车业萧条的双重打击,失业率达7.;6%25,居全美之首。
- The American loan crisis already erupts, but has formed the financial crisis which finally engulfs the entire world, was actually some time ago matter. 中国成绩太差,让盈方十分上火,而对于盈方,足协方面也颇有微词。
- At present, the loan crisis still in the fermentation, exists presents the sixth wave or the more crisis high tide possibility. 目前,次贷危机仍在发酵,存在着出现第六波或更多危机高潮的可能性。
- The loan crisis rolls up like a mat, the financial storm wreaks havoc, the global economic marches into a risk release's economical downward process. 次贷危机席卷,金融风暴肆虐,全球经济步入一个风险释放的经济下行过程。
- The sharp decline in new center starts was attributed to the Savings and Loan crisis, which helped precipitate a severe credit crunch. 新开工数的急剧下降归因于储蓄和信贷危机引发信用危机。
- According to Liu Mingkang estimated that the loan crisis are most will wipe out this year banking industry's part of profits, but will not injury and the capital in cash. 据刘明康估计,次贷危机最多会打掉今年银行业的一部分利润,而不会伤及资本金。
- US's loan crisis is coming from to the low credit crowd's urious interest loan, but the jot credit is to similarly the low credit crowd's urious interest loan! 美国的次贷危机正源自对低信用人群的高息贷款,而小额信贷同样是对低信用人群的高息贷款!
- Yesterday Zhou Xiaochuan indicated explicitly that decelerates by the American loan crisis initiation's global economic, will affect to our country exports. 昨天周小川明确表示,由美国次贷危机引发的全球经济减速,将会影响到我国出口。
- The American loan crisis initiation's global finance Tsunami and Communist Party of China's 17 Third Session, coursed many person of vision China's rural finance. 美国次贷危机引发的全球金融海啸和中国共产党的十七届三中全会,把许多人的目光引向了中国的农村金融。
- From international looked that comes under the loan crisis's influence, more and more economies key from damp the policy the bloating to change guarantee the growth. 这增加了判断未来经济和物价走势、把握经济增长与通货膨胀之间关系的难度,宏观调控面临更加复杂的局面。近期,美国政府接管“两房”和美国国际集团、五大投行发生巨变,华盛顿互惠银行破产倒闭,美联银行出现危机等一系列事件,表明美国次贷危机已演化为金融危机。
- However, as times loan crisis into the global financial crisis, worsened the situation of Fortis, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg government for help. 不过,随着次贷风波演化成全球金融危机,富通的状况急转直下,向荷兰、比利时、卢森堡政府求援。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。