- local convergence analysis 早熟收敛分析
- The global convergence analysis of the adaptive algorithm is provided, too. 同时还给出了该改进算法的全局收敛性分析结果。
- The algorithm is easy to implement and globally convergent.Under some mild conditions its local convergence rate is two-step superlinear. 该算法易于实现且全局收敛,在一定条件下,局部收敛率是两步超线性的。
- BNM was employed to solve the boundary integral equation.Meanwhile, the convergence analysis of MRM was presented. 给出了用多重互换法把区域积分转化为边界积分的收敛性证明。
- Situational knowledge can guide the species out of local convergence in a better way, and normative knowledge can accelerate the speed of evolution. 形势知识能较好地指导种群走出局部收敛,规范知识能够加快进化的收敛速度。
- Thirdly, the local convergence of the close-loop system is proved by using the local stable theory of feedback Volterra series system. 结合反馈型Volterra级数系统的局部L-稳定理论,证明了闭环控制系统的局部收敛性质;
- This paper gave the convergence analysis to an asynchronous algorithm (S-COR algorithm) for solving three dimensional elliptic equations. 摘要给出求解三维椭圆型方程的一个异步算法(S-COR算法)的收敛性分析。
- Some local convergence theorems for bounded stochastic sequences are obtained. As corollaries, some results already known are the paticular cases of the result in this paper. 得到了一类关于有界随机变量序列的局部收敛定理;使得某些已知的结论成为其特例.
- For solving the singular linear equations,we present the iterative methods based on proper splittings and give the convergence analysis. 在奇异线性方程组的求解方法中, 我们提出了基于正则分裂的二级迭代法并给出收敛分析;
- The searching direction is created in the subspace with Newton method which takes advantage of Newton method's fast rate of local convergence while it can avoid too much memory. 通过在较小的子空间内利用牛顿法迭代生成寻优方向,避免了牛顿法的存储困难又发挥了它的快速收敛性。
- Convergence analysis shows that this approach can achieve an almost perfect tracking performance when the initial states are randomly varying iteratively. 收敛性分析表明当系统初始状态随迭代次数随机变化时,该方法可实现几乎完全跟踪性能。
- In order to solve the difficult large-scale problem of CPSA, a new general master-slave-splitting based method with its convergence analysis theory is proposed. 提出了解决全局分析问题的具有普遍性意义的主从分裂法及其收敛性分析理论。
- In this way, it not only reduced the computing complexity and increased the effectiveness of studying BN structure, but also avoided the problems of local convergence in the traditional methods. 不仅可降低计算复杂度,提高贝叶斯网络结构学习的效率,而且避免了传统启发式算法易陷入局部最优解的问题。
- The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach surmounts effectively the local convergence problem of standard genetic algorithm and improves the test generation speed. 实验结果表明,所提出的方法能有效克服标准遗传算法中的局部收敛问题,加快了测试生成过程。
- A convergence analysis for a hybrid macro-element 杂交宏元方法的收敛性分析
- In this paper, we study the convergences of random Dirichlet series by the local convergence of random variable and the strong law of large numbers, and obtain some simple and explict formulae on abscissa of convergence. 该文是利用随机变量序列的局部收敛性及强大数定律研究了随机狄里克莱级数的收敛性,得出了它的收敛横坐标的简洁公式.
- Abstract: In this paper, we study the convergences of random Dirichlet series by the local convergence of random variable and the strong law of large numbers, and obtain some simple and explict formulae on abscissa of convergence. 文摘:该文是利用随机变量序列的局部收敛性及强大数定律研究了随机狄里克莱级数的收敛性,得出了它的收敛横坐标的简洁公式.
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。