- local feature description 局部特征描述
- The right pane displays feature descriptions. 右窗格显示了功能说明。
- Second, the region has created city images by giving prominence to local feature and architectural style. 二是塑造城市形象,突出地方特色和建筑风格。
- Unearthed relics, Chaozhou woodcarving and ink stones are rich with local feature. 广东出土文物以金木雕、端砚最为丰厚,也最具地方特色。
- A new algorithm of face recognition based on global and local feature extraction was proposed to solve small samples in LDA. 针对线性判别分析的小样本空间问题,提出了一种基于类向量的融合全局和局部特征的人脸识别算法。
- A regional dialect or language that becomes the standard language over a wider area, losing its most extreme local features. 共通语一种地区方言或语言,它成为广大地区的通用语言而失去了最显著的地方特征
- The following query retrieves the first two feature descriptions from the product catalog description of a specific product model. 以下查询从特定产品样式的产品目录说明中检索前两个功能说明。
- This paper studies the local feature of Handan traditional residence and eligible building technology in geography, climate, natural and historical condition. 摘要从邯郸的地理位置、气候特征、邯郸民居形成的自然和历史条件入手,对邯郸传统民居地方特色和适宜建造技术进行了研究。
- The aria music of Shiqian puppet show is the main form of the local feature and style characteristic.It can be divided into two subsystems: "Gao Qiang" and "Ping Tan". 石阡木偶戏的唱腔音乐是该戏种地方特点和风格特征的主要表现形式,可以分为“高腔”和“平弹”两个子系统。
- Feature description of manufacturing process 机械加工工艺过程特征描述
- Firstly, image edge was detected by using several typical structure elements. Then, edges in different scale were combined according to the life of local feature, which were detect. 改变结构元素的尺寸大小可得到多尺度下的边缘图像,根据局部边缘生存期的长短将不同尺度下的边缘图像合成。
- An object recognition and localization algorithm based on local feature?turning angle between neighbouring tangent vectors, is presented. 提出了基于切矢转角局部特征的目标识别与定位算法。
- What the users want is to query by contents, that is, to get the desired fragments of video with just some given examples or feature descriptions. 而用户所需要的是通过内容进行查找,即通过一些给定的样例或特征描述便可得到所期望的视频片断。
- Jiangsu dish is one of the four dish systems in China. It possesses distinctive local feature in ingredients usage: cooking ingredients are various kinds, great quantity, good quality. 江苏菜是中国四大菜系之一,它在原料的使用上具有鲜明的地方特色:烹饪原料品种多、数量大、质量好;
- Some products with local feature such as Juice of wild peach in Xizhang", Preserved fruit of the wild peach in Xizhang" and"Six Mixed teas of the wild peach in Xizhang" were procesed. 根据野桃果实特性及当地居民消费习惯,制订了西藏野桃综合加工利用方案,研制出有地方特色的“西藏野生桃果汁”、“西藏野生桃果脯”及“西藏野生桃六合果茶”等产品。
- In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to extract minutiae based on local features of binary fingerprint image. 摘要提出了一种基于二值指纹局部特性提取细节点的算法。
- Text feature description based on word co-occurrence 基于词同现频率的文本特征描述
- In addition,rules for the implementation of 14 national laws and regulations conforming to the local features of Tibet have been drawn up. 另外,14项全国性的法律、法规制定了适合西藏特点的实施办法。
- Therefore, industrial clustering with local features must be formed in the West to attract industries in the East to shift westwards on a large scale. 因此,开发西部必须在西部地区先形成有本地特色的产业集群,才能吸引东部地区大规模的产业西移。
- In addition, rules for the implementation of 14 national laws and regulations conforming to the local features of Tibet have been drawn up. 其中包括《西藏自治区环境保护条例》、《西藏自治区乡镇人民代表大会工作条例》、《关于加强对法律、法规实施情况检查监督的若干规定》等,并对14项全国性的法律、法规制定了适合西藏特点的实施办法。