- local geological structure 局部地质构造
- The geological structure of the place speaks of oil underground. 这地方的地质结构证明地下有石油。
- Restrained by the local geological conditions, the CTL plant system of huge capacity will be integrated from several 1Mt/a units in a discrete arrangement. 由于受贵州地形的限制,煤制油装置计划采用分散布局,以数个一百万吨级的煤制油装置整合而成大规模的煤制油装置系统。
- A geologic structure in which all layers are inclined in the same direction. 单斜结构一种所有地层朝同一方向倾斜的地质结构
- Specific local geological, geomorphological, and geostructural features can induce high levels of shaking on the ground surface even from low-intensity earthquakes. 即使是源于低强度的地震,特别的局部地质、地貌和地质结构特征也可能引起高级别的地面震动。
- The geological structure of Baoxingchang orefield is complicated and the metallogenetic condition is advantageous. 宝兴厂矿区地质构造复杂,成矿条件有利。
- Wulunshan Coal Mining Area in Guizhou has intact geological structure and high CBM content. 贵州省五轮山矿区构造完整,煤层含气量高。
- These geological structure,palaeohydrological and palaeoclimatical conditions are the prerequisite for diatom depo... 这些地质构造、古水文、古气候是硅藻土矿床形成的必要条件。
- The study on formation cause of plagioclase is closely related to formation cause of geological structure. 历史上发生的陨击事件对地球表面岩层构造产生了极其严重、深刻和长远的影响。
- Yu Jiabao groundwater is rich in complex geological structure, difficult to create deep excavation project in history. 于家堡地区地下水丰富、地质结构复杂,工程难度创深基坑工程历史之最。
- The scientists are determining the distribution of the mineral deposits in regard to the geological structure. 科学家们正在对地质构成情况进行科学物探。
- In the calculation, a proper selection of over consolidation ratio (OCR) at various saturated soft clay layers is carried out on the basis of the local geological data and experience. 结果表明:软土层超固结比对计算结果有较大影响,计算时应根据地质资料及地区经验合理选择各土层超固结比。
- This scientific and research project is to analyze the geological structure of the continental shelf. 这个科研项目的内容是分析陆架的地质结构。
- Tianjin is normal geothermal area.Geothermal anomaly is formed due to geological structure and hydrodynamic conditions. 得出结论:天津地区属于地热正常区,只有在一定的构造条件和水动力条件下,才能形成局部的地热异常区。
- Simple geological structure, an open-pit mine, the development of high value for one of the three cryptomelane. 地质构造简单,属露天矿,开发价值高,为全国三大钾矿之一。
- Yuzhong County in the geological structure at the Qi Lu on the Helan Mountain type structure of the west side. 榆中县在地质构造上位于祁吕贺兰山字型构造的西侧。
- This paper describes the historical causes of spring forming in the aspect of the geological structure. 本文从地质构造方面叙述了泉水形成的历史成因。
- The result indicates that the rheological property controlled the boudinage formation process in geological structure. 模拟结果表明,流变性质是地质构造中形成石香肠构造的主要因素。
- Due to some reasons such as geological structure, usually there are mudstone interlayers in rock. 由于地质构造等原因,岩体中也常含有泥岩夹层。
- And elevation is relatively easy to measure, compared with variations in gravity caused by local geology, the tides or even magma shifting miles underground. 然而,相较于附近的地质状况、潮汐,甚至地下几公里深处岩浆的移动所引起的重力变化,高度还算是相当容易测量的。