- local motion compensation 局部运动补偿
- Motion compensation is based on measurment instrument or the SAR real data. 机载SAR的运动补偿可分为基于仪表测量的运动补偿和基于SAR数据的运动补偿。
- Range alignment is crucial in motion compensation of the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR). 摘要距离对准是逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)运动补偿的关键。
- Motion compensation,which usually includes range alignment and phase compensation,plays a key role in ISAR imaging. 运动补偿是ISAR成像中的关键技术,通常包括包络对齐和相位补偿,而包络对齐是相位补偿的基础。
- Image motion compensation(IMC) is the key technology of high-resolution space camera. 像移补偿技术是高分辨力空间相机的关键技术。
- Their landlords, grocers, butchers, clothing stores and local motion pictures will lose business, and depression will spread in ever-widening circles. 他们的房东、当地的杂货店、肉铺、服饰店、戏院,就会失去生意,经济萧条会因此蔓延到其他行业。
- After translational motion compensation, rotational motion compensation is needed in ISAR technique. 在ISAR成像中,当完成了运动目标的平动补偿后,还需进行转动补偿。
- The motion compensation factor for the bistatic range profile of a moving target is also proposed. 分析了对多散射中心目标的双基地距离像与单基地距离像之间的关系,最后对双基地距离像进行了仿真。
- Second, wavelet transform is applied in the motion compensation error frames to achieve global energy compaction. 第二,对运动补偿误差帧进行小波变换得到全局能量压缩;
- A weighted adaptive de interlacing method which can effectively solve motion estimation failure in motion compensation technique was proposed. 考虑到运动补偿技术中运动估计失效的情况 ;提出了一种有效的混合去隔行方法 .
- After threshold the magnitude of optical flow between current frame and motion compensation frame,an initial target segmentation was obtained. 然后在当前帧与运动补偿后的帧之间求光流场,得到目标轮廓的初始分割;
- The paper analyzed the influence of the trajectory deviations to the SAR image quality, and proposed a motion compensation method in the range. 摘要分析了载机距离向偏移对SAR图像质量的影响,提出了一种距离向非定点的运动补偿方法。
- In the meantime, the data of geodetic measurement, geological investigation and test are also analyzed, and the analytic results show that the local motion of Fushun segment on Hunhe fault is caused by coal extraction. 同时,对大地测量结果、地质勘察及试验结果进行了讨论,结果表明:煤田开采诱发了浑河断裂抚顺段的局部活动。
- Through motion compensation of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar(ISAR), the jamming mechanism of ISAR is analyzed and simulated. 从逆合成孔径雷达运动补偿的角度对ISAR成像的干扰机理进行了理论分析,并进行了基于ISAR回波真实数据的仿真实验。
- The reason producing aberrance and blur is analyzed in this chapter .The method of motion compensation is brought forward and the simulation is given. 本章分析了这种畸变和模糊产生的原因,提出了补偿算法,并给出了仿真结果。
- Currently, the most recognized framework for scalable video coding is based on Motion Compensation Temporal Filtering (MCTF). 现有的比较成熟的可伸缩编码框架是基于运动补偿时域滤波技术的。
- In order to exploit the spatial one. the parallel structure of variable length decoding unit, IDCT unit and motion compensation unit are studied. 在空间并行方面,本文分别对变字长解码单元、IDCT变换单元以及运动补偿单元的设计方法和并行解码结构进行了深入研究。
- It has done some work as follows:1 The idea of motion compensation was brought forward in order to solve the problem which the motion of DSRV differed from its skirt. 1 针对安装斜裙后救生艇在对接过程中产生的裙口平面与艇身平面运动不一致的问题,设计了运动补偿器。
- Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can greatl y reduce the complexity of G-BFOS algorithm with increasing PSNR value of motion compensation. 软件模拟结果显示本算法大大降低了G-BFOS优化算法的计算量,且运动补偿PSNR值高于G-BFOS算法结果。
- The improvement of video coding is depended on how to reduce the use of motion compensation prediction error information, which is also called displaced frame difference(DFD). 摘要 视频压缩效率的提高在很大程度上取决于如何减少用于传输运动补偿预测误差的信息量,即如何有效的编码视频帧差图像。