- local ecological knowledge 地方性生态知识
- To popularize ecological knowledge; To harmonize the relatioship between human and nature. 普及生态学知识,人与自然和谐相处!
- So during the course of the construction there are some avoidless effects to the local ecological environment. 勉县至宁强高速公路建设过程中,在对其生态环境本底进行调查的基础上,进行生态恢复、保护和建设。
- Growing grass and trees on the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers is to improve the local ecological environment. 在长江、黄河上中游大规模种草种树,努力改善生态环境。
- With the development of agriculture, people had accumulated the abundant ecological knowledge of agriculture, and utilized it. 随着农业的发展,秦汉时人积累了丰富的农业生态知识,并加以利用。
- Growing grass and trees on the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers to improve the local ecological environment. 在长江、黄河上中游大规模种草种树,努力改善生态环境。
- When prospering the regional economy, manufacturing industrial cluster brings great pressure to the local ecological environment and causes damages. 制造业集群在繁荣区域经济的同时,也给当地生态环境带来压力并造成破坏。
- Such a beautiful scenery in Hangzhou city, some of the future construction of the traditional ecological knowledge of the Jiangnan villa is simply looking Tiancheng. 而在杭州这样一个风景秀美的城市,今后建造一些生态型的符合江南韵味的别墅,简直是浑然天成。
- The ecological knowledge imperceptibly influenced the protection of forest in southwest China and is illuminating to the protection of ecological environment today. 这些民间生态知识和有益的实践对西南地区森林的保护起到潜移默化的作用,对今天的生态环境保护也具有启示意义。
- Fordham said that because many of the sharks on the red list are at the top of the food chain, their extinction could also cause major local ecological problems. 福特汉姆表示,由于红色名单上的许多鲨鱼物种都处于整个生物食物链的顶层,它们的灭绝可能还会引起严重的区域性生态问题。
- For recent years, Taiwan is attempting to employ different methods for torrent management, taking local ecological environments and aquatic habitats into account. 近年来,台湾溪流整治工法逐渐尝试不同方式,亦考虑当地生态环境及水中栖息生物。
- The investigation includes studying the local ecological situation and economic environment, estimating the potential productivity and economic value of the mountainous areas. 调查的内容包括研究当地生态情况和经济环境,评估生产力潜力以及山区的经济价值。
- In winter, a lot of latent polynyas appear regularly in the shelf of Northern Bering Sea.They have made great contributions to local ecological system and the Arctic halocline. 冬季在北白令海陆架区域频繁地出现潜热冰间湖,对当地的生态系统和北极盐跃层贡献很大。
- Shengwu Earth Building in Shanghang, Fujian keeps both the pattern of Chinese traditional courtyard house and the characteristic of local ecological building. 摘要福建省上杭县绳武楼既保留了中国传统四合院的格局,又具有当地土建筑特色;
- The Chinese people's cultural concept of the Unity of Heaven and Man and Yunnan people's ecological knowledge about getting along well with the nature have contributed much to the long-term continuance of the national culture. 中华民族“天人合一”的文化理念和云南各民族人与自然和谐的地方性生态知识,为中华文明和云南各民族文化的长期延续作出了重要贡献。
- Most invasive plants have done harm to the local ecology and economy. 许多入侵植物已对淮北地区的生态和经济造成危害。
- To build eco-civilization, we must popularize ecological knowledge, set up ecological value, carry out a "revolution of conscience", and abandon materialism, economism and consumerism. 为建设生态文明,必须普及生态学知识,树立生态价值观,实现“良心的革命”,摒弃物质主义、经济主义和消费主义价值观;
- This paper analyzes the factors that may lead to the local ecological environment deterioration on the Korla-Kashi section of the Turpan-Kashi railway and specifies the investigation content. 对新建铁路南疆线库尔勒-喀什段可能引起当地生态环境恶化的因素进行分析,确定调查内容。
- Radiolaria is an important fauna among the marine micropaleontology, whose ecology knowledge is the base of paleoceanographical and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. 因此,有必要向我国学术界提供放射虫现代生态学的研究成果及最新发展趋势,促使我国放射虫的研究与国际接轨,以提供更多的古海洋、古环境替代性指标。
- Shengwu soil building in shanghang county of Fujian province keeps the spacial structure of Chinese traditional courtyard house, and it also has many characteristics of local ecological building. 福建省上杭县绳武楼既保留了中国传统四合院的格局,又具有当地建筑特色;绳武楼的布局和建筑设计均体现了和谐自然的天人合一观和传统文化内涵。