- localization energy method 定域能法
- It was analysed by a strain energy method. 这是用应变能力方法解决的。
- Sectioned energy method is an effective measure for resolving this problem. 分段能量法,是解决这个问题的一个行之有效的方法。
- We prove the asymptotic behavior of initial boundary problem for a class of quasilinear wave equation by energy method. 利用一个特殊的积分不等式得到一类拟线性波动方程初边值问题解的渐近性。
- Using energy method, the geometric non-linear of higher bridge pier is analyzed. 考虑地基弹性变形影响,用能量法对高桥墩进行几何非线性分析。
- The peaks of localized energy states were separated from the detrapping current curves by means of poling temperature scanning method. 通过热释电极化温度扫描法分离出对解俘获电流峰贡献的各局域能级峰。
- Based on energy method,a calculating formula of roll force to longitudinally ribbed strips wasderived. 利用能量法可以推导出纵凸筋钢板轧制力的计算式,并对纵凸筋钢板轧制力进行了计算。
- One of the Energy initiatives, however, brought together 9 agencies to target funds for up to 100 small-scale hydroelectric plants for local energy supply. 作为能源倡议之一,然而,一时之间共有9个机构将资金对准多达100棵水力发电的植物,它能为当地提供电力。
- LONG Xiao-ping.Fairing of curves and surfaces by local energy optimization [J].Journal of ComputerAided Design and Computer Graphics, 2002,14 (12):1109-1113. [9]龙小平.;局部能量最优法与曲线曲面的光顺[J]
- By using band and equal distance wavelet transform and average energy method, the ground roll wave can be recognized and suppressed belier, hence obtaining good results. 采用窄档等频距小波变换方法,在含面波的低频频带内,用平均能量法识别和压制面波,取得良好效果。
- To obtain the static stiffness of a PKM, the statics of a PKM is researched first and then the energy method is introduced. 本文在研究并联机床静力学的基础上,使用能量法分析在外载荷作用下的并联机床变形量,从而获得在不同位姿下并联机床的静刚度。
- The nonlinearity of moment-angle relationship of the beams in a kind of micromachine vibratory angular rate sensor is derived by using energy method. 用能量法计算了振动轮式微机械角速率传感器中梁的力矩一转角的非线性关系,分析了在这种非线性影响下的传感器幅频、相频特性。
- The composition of butadiene polyperoxide is analyzed.The energy of explosion reactions is calculated by bond energy method. 分析了丁二烯聚过氧化物的组成,用键能法计算了爆炸反应能量,结果与实例相符。
- Toilet paper makers are trimming the length of their rolls while Brazil is battling a two-ply crisis rooted in the economic chaos in neighboring Argentina and a local energy shortage. 由于巴西目前正受到邻国阿根廷经济危机和国内电力缺乏的双重困扰,该国的厕纸生产商们削减了每卷厕纸的总长度。
- The relative IR radiation energy method and kullback divergence are used to evaluate IR reducing and IR countermeasures. 分别用相对红外辐射能量法和库尔巴克散度对红外信号减缩措施和红外对抗措施进行了评估。
- Te elastic stability of drillstem in a horizontal hole or high deviating hole is investigated by using the energy method. 应用能量法研究了水平井及大斜度井钻柱的弹性稳定性。
- Firstly, the horizontal component geophone was relocated by using the maximum energy method to obtain the P-SV and P-SH wave sections. 首先采用能量最大法对水平分量检波器重新定位,获得P-SV波和SH波剖面;
- By equations of radiative trasfer in Eddington approximation,local energy conservation and hydrostatic established,the temperature distribution in vertical direction is studied. It is found that a corona forms above disc. 通过建立吸积盘Eddington近似下的辐射转移方程,局域能量守恒方程以及流体静力学平衡方程,对轴向求解温度分布,发现由于大气中粘滞能量耗散,吸积盘上有冕形成。
- The article calculates limitation force by RiZe energy method forcompressing pole.The result is satisfying as Euter solution. 根据里兹能量方法求出了一端固支、一端自由和两端铰支的两种压杆的临界压力,其结果与欧拉临界力非常吻合。
- Conclusion Auger electrons can produce high local energy deposition in cells because of their very low energies and extremely short ranges. 结论俄歇电子在生物组织中的射程短,单位路径的能量损失高,能产生非常高的局部能量沉积。