- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
- Please verify each item you have pricked down. 请把你已用小记号标出的每一个项目核对一下。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- A practitioner of a system of logic. 逻辑学家使用某一逻辑体系的人
- There is no logic in what she says. 她讲的话没有道理。
- Socrates laid the foundations of logic. 苏格拉底奠定了逻辑学的基础。
- His thinking goes against all logic. 他的思维完全不合逻辑。
- There's no logic in spending money on things you don't need. 把钱花在不需要的东西上是没有道理的。
- logic verify 逻辑校验
- Men were sent out to verify whether it was true. 几个人被派去查清事实。
- Examines officially with intent to verify. 以查证核实为目的的检查。
- The reader should verify this calculation. 此式可由读者自行证明。
- You should always verify your references. 你要常常校准你的参考资料。
- We can verify the above assumptions experimentally. 我们可以用实验来验证上述假设。
- The number of inputs available to a given logic circuit. 扇入,输入可在逻辑电路得到的输入端数目
- Verify Failed. Please login to our system again! 验证发生错误,请重新登入系统。
- How can you verify your compliance with these? 如何证实你是遵守这些规定?
- He argues with learning and logic. 他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑。
- How to test and verify your inference? 怎么样来验证你的推测呢?