- Following as a logical conclusion. 必然的作为其逻辑结论随之发生的
- A logical conclusion or inference. 推论逻辑上的结论或推论
- But that is the logical conclusion. 但那是一种逻辑结论。
- It was a logical conclusion from the child's point of view. 从小孩的观点来看这是个合乎情理的结论。
- Kinsey also drew the logical conclusion from his discoveries. 金西从他的研究成果中得出了符合逻辑的推断。
- So I guess to follow this to it's logical conclusion I say let's invade China. 所以我猜想,追随它的逻辑推论让我说的侵华行动。
- If we carry this argument to its logical conclusion, we realize that further investment is not a good idea. 从这个论据推出一个合理的结论,我们就会发现继续投资不是一个好主意。
- If you follow the policy through to its logical conclusion,you will find that it will succeed. 如果你坚持顺理成章地实施这项政策,你将会发现这项政策是成功的。
- Econometric model gives us a superior way of organizing and systematizing the forecasting process to derive a logical conclusion. 经济计量模型给我们提供了一个把预测过程条理化,系统化的优越方法并从而得出合乎逻辑的结论。
- That the war criminals should be punished is a logical conclusion from the "holocaust". 战犯的应当惩办,是“浩劫”的逻辑的结论。
- If you follow the policy through to its logical conclusion, you will find that it will succeed. 如果你坚持顺理成章地实施这项政策,你将会发现这项政策是成功的。
- The logical conclusion, said the strategists, was that MAD invited the Russians to roll the cosmic dice. 因此,战略专家们说,合乎逻辑的结论是: “互毁”理论只会鼓励俄国人进行核冒险。
- Roy:Should I speed the process to its logical conclusion and poke out my own eardrums now? 我应该给这个过程提提速,直接跳到一个合理的结论,现在就戳破我自己的耳鼓膜么?
- The only logical conclusion, Dembski asserts, in an echo of Paley 200 years ago, is that some superhuman intelligence created and shaped life. 于是丹司基重复了培里200年前说过的话,他断言道,唯一合理的结论就是,某个超越人类的智慧创造了生物,而且使用了特别的手法。
- When you finally do enter Utgarde Keep, we want you to feel as if that ault is the logical conclusion to the events that led you there. 当你最终踏入乌特加德要塞时,我们希望你觉得“理所当然”应该来到这里。
- They are the inexorable requirements for maintaining and developing socialism and the logical conclusion our Party has reached through hard exploration and great practice. 这是坚持和发展社会主义的必然要求,是我们党艰辛探索和伟大实践的必然结论。
- The Delegation affirmed that seizing the opportunity to follow the process to its logical conclusion would ensure the relevance of WIPO in the development equation. 该代表团重申,抓住机会理解这一程序并得出逻辑上的结论将确保WIPO在发展平衡中的相关性。
- Yet the facts were so interesting and so curious that I should like to propound it to you as a problem, and perhaps between us we may arrive at some logical conclusion. 但是这件事是如此的有趣和古怪以致我愿意向你们提出这个难题,或许在我们中能获得一些合理的结论。”
- The logical conclusion from all this would be, if the crowd drew it, that the little hoodlum who threw the brick, far from being a public menace, was a public benefactor. 正确的能说明问题,错误的就不能说明问题,指标不得以真相为标准吗?
- If we recall the development of the main-onsignee of our country, we can get a logical conclusion that the second-board market needs the recommender system. 纵观我国主承销商职责的演变,顺理成章地可以得出二板市场需要保荐人制度的结论。