- logistic sector in Guangxi 广西物流
- I am a student. I was born in Guangxi in Feb.1989. “我是一个学生,1989年月出生在广西”怎么翻译?
- It will display the MBR sector in hex form. 这将用十六进制的表格显示MBR扇区。
- IT industry is a growth sector in China. 信息产业是中国的成长区域.
- Nanning is the largest commercial city in Guangxi. 南宁是广西最大的商贸城市。
- The line or sector in which armed forces engage in combat. 前线武装力量进行作战的场地或路线
- So far,more than 30 countries and regions have invested in Guangxi. 目前,到广西投资的国家和地区已达30多个。
- We'll reach the final destination, Dongxing City in Guangxi. 最终到达广西的东兴市。
- This course examines the role of the public sector in the economy. 本课程检视了在经济结构中政府部分的角色。
- Selections of Chinese materia medica used in Guangxi. 广西本草选编。
- Cholera incidence appeared area clustering in Guangxi Province. 广西霍乱发病呈现一定的地区聚集性。
- In 2001, demonstration commenced in Guangxi and Fujian. 2001年已相继在广西、福建等地展开试点。
- Used as a folk remedy for scalds and burns in Guangxi. 为烫伤作为人们治疗法使用并且在广西燃烧。
- The genus Abies discovered for the first time in Guangxi and Hunan. 冷杉属植物在广西与湖南首次发现.
- She is the largest family who play Longquan in Guangxi. 广西玩龙泉她最大户啦。
- Investigation of germplasm resources of Actinidia in Guangxi. 广西猕猴桃种质资源调查研究.
- The tertiary industry has become the largest industrial sector in Tibet. 第三产业已成为西藏第一大产业。
- The most important sector in Misuse intrusion detection is pattern matching. 滥用入侵检测技术中最重要的一个环节是模式匹配,目前的模式匹配主要是对报文中特征字符串的匹配。
- The economic importance of the property sector in China is hard to overstate. 在中国,房地产行业的经济重要性是难以用言语去表达的。
- DPD has advanced operational facilities, high level of service quality and large amounts of professionals in the logistics sector. 公司配有先进、完善的包裹快递作业设施,良好的客户服务,和物流知识丰富的专业技术人员。