- logistical socilization 后勤社会化
- Your first logistical obstacle is the robes. 你第一个麻烦就是弄到律师袍。
- Second,it should promote logistical efficiency. 第二,包装应能促进物流效率。
- The second is how logistical strike works. 第二个是后勤打击的工作方式。
- "Parana was already a logistical problem. 巴拉那已经成为一个后勤问题。
- You must grasp logistical efficiencies. 答:你该掌握点后勤知识了。
- The Japanese had shown prime combat and logistical ability. 日本人已经显示了出色的战斗和后勤能力。
- Adjs: Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. 筹画饥馑救济工作在後勤方面困难极大。
- Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. 筹画 馑救济工作在後勤方面困难极大.
- "And they have seen the main problem is a logistical problem. 她说:“他们看到的主要问题是后勤问题。
- Reforms in the army's logistical support system continued to deepen. 后勤保障体制改革不断深化。
- Professionnal logistical assistance ensures modern marketing management. 专业的后勤支持确保您的营销管理现代化。
- In fct, the bility to compromise nd work with others -- tht is, the bility to chieve socil hrmony -- should be mjor gol in every school. 实际上,培养折衷和与他人合作的能力,也就是促进社会和谐的能力应该被作为每个学校的主要目标。
- We offer our customers different logistical and purchasing services. 我们在采购和物流方面为客户提供多样的服务。
- This has had an adverse impact on the logistical operations of Product A. 并对A产品的物流运转产生影响。
- Becuse ech world operteson its own ssumptions nd hs its own specil hbits of thinking, rrely is there meningful interction mong the sciences, the humnities, nd the socil sciences. 因为每种领域都有自己的设定和特殊的思维习惯,所以三者之间很少存在有意义的互动。
- The Beijing Office also provides logistical support to visiting delegations of the HKSAR Government. 该办事处亦为访问内地的特区政府代表团提供后勤支援。
- The PLA constantly strengthens the development of its logistical equipment and upgrades its logistical support means. 人民解放军不断加强后勤装备建设,提高后勤保障手段的现代化水平。
- Comrades who are attending the conference on logistical work are also present today. 今天,后勤会议的同志也在。
- A polemic question is whether such work should be categorized as logistical or organizational research. 一个争论问题是否如此的工作应该被分类如物流或组织的研究。