- logographic alalia [医] 文字示意不能
- The Japanese developed a mixed system, partly logographic (based on the Chinese writing system) and partly syllabic. 日本人发展了这个混合文字,部分为标志图案(依据中国文字),部分为音节。
- The third ranges from logophonetic to logographic, running upwards of hundreds of signs (like 500 signs in Hieroglyphic Luwian, and 5000 symbols in modern Chinese). 接着是从表音到表意的范畴来看,是远远多于一百个符号(例如象形文字卢威语有500个符号,现代汉语有5000个符号)。
- Hence, the Western alphabetic and the Chinese logographic writing systems will be compared in respect of their linguistic properties and psycholinguistic reality when used as cognitive signs. 因此,我们从意符借形切入,进一步比较意符文字与拼音文字做为符号的不同特质,以及它们在各自使用者语言心理上的根本差异。
- Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Mayan writing system are also systems with certain logographic features, although they have marked phonetic features as well, and are no longer in current use. 汉语怎么就不可能了?而且我的原话是怎么说的?你自己去复习。
- 46 Cases Hysteria Alalia Treated by Acupuncture 针刺治疗癔症性失语46例
- alalia cophica (=deaf - mutism) 聋哑病
- alalia cophica (=deaf-mutism) 聋哑病
- mental alalia 精神性失语症
- alalia cophica [医] 聋哑病
- logographic writing 词符文字,图画文字
- logographic 语标的
- alalia idiopathica 特发性哑
- alalia logographica 文字示意不能
- alalia physiologica [医] 生理性哑(18个月前不能发音)
- alalia prolongata [医] 迟延性言语不清
- alalia relativa 相对性言语不清
- logographn. [语]语标;略字
- alalia syllabaris 音节性言语不清
- alalia 哑,构音不能,失语