- They went to a lonely place in the mountains. 他们到了山中寂寞的地方。
- The island is a wild and lonely place. 这座岛屿荒无人烟。
- Antarctica is the loneliest place on earth. 南极是地球上最偏远的地区。
- There are no medicines to be obtained in this lonely place. 这在荒僻地方无法得到药品。
- Rip was surprised to find a man in such a lonely place. 李伯很惊讶在这么偏僻的地方还看到人。
- Same is the Lake Travis. No one there, a lonely place. 一样的特拉维斯河,一样的空空如也,一样的孤独之地。
- He took Huck to a lonely place to have a talk with him. 他把哈克拉到一个僻静的地方,和他谈一谈。
- The peak is a very lonely place, a very lonely place. 巅峰是个很孤独的地方,一个非常孤独的地方。
- Our inn was on me cliffs above Black Hill Cove, and was a wild ,lonely place. 我们的客店位于布莱克希尔湾的悬崖上,一个荒野的地方。
- If by chance that special place that you've been dreaming of leads you to a lonely place, find your strength in love. 假如你一直梦想去的地方万一使你处于孤独的境地,那就在爱中寻找力量。
- This cold and lonely place is considered by many to be the source of the Ganges. 很多人坚信这处寒冷而孤僻的所在正是恒河之源。
- What is the use of residing in a lonely place, mortification of body, different types of fasting, study of scriptures, keeping silence etc. 对于一个缺乏平静的僧侣来说,独居、禁欲、禁食、研习典籍、保持沉默又有什么意义呢?
- It was a lonely place but my mind eyes could see all the fast cars and bikes making all those records during Speed Week. 这是一个寂寞的地方,但我心中的眼睛可以看到所有的汽车和自行车快让所有这些记录在高速周。
- Here in Menghai, the newly opened six-story emporium built to house hundreds of buyers and bundlers is a very lonely place. 现在的勐海,新开张的六层大百货商场十分冷清,它原本为数以百计的商家而建。
- His army was scattered, and he was forced to go into hiding - in the woods or in lonely places in the mountains. 他的军队溃散了,他自己也被迫躲藏起来,有时躲进森林里,有时躲到偏僻的山区。
- I was not happy, for the woman who had charge of me was a disagreeable woman, and the place in which we lived was a lonely place, a village upon the Hampshire coast, about seven miles from Portsmouth. 我心里不快乐,因为负责照料我的女人是个坏脾气的女人,我们居住的地方是个寂寞的地方,是汉普郡海滩上的一个小乡村,离朴次茅斯大约七英里光景。
- About frighten things that happen in mysterious old buildings, and lonely places, and was popular in the early 19th century. 流行于19世纪初关于发生在神秘,古老,偏僻地方的令人恐怖的故事,电影等。
- This place doesn't have a very savory reputation. 这个地方的名声可不太好。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。