- long cycle PRN code 长码
- The PRN code is not defined yet. PRN 密码至今还不被定义。
- The long cycle ride exhausted her. 她因长途骑车而疲惫不堪.
- Each PRN code sequence is like the musical notes in a song. 每一串PRN码就好比歌曲中的一连串乐句。
- GPS performs an analogous procedure when a receiver monitors a PRN code being broadcast from a satellite. GPS在接收器监测到卫星传出的PRN码时,也会进行类似的程序。
- Requires no retorquing after long cycling. 经过长期循环测试后,不需要回位扭矩。
- One other hand, because the GPS L5 signal is not yet broadcasting, we also construct a GPS L5 PRN code generator in order to verify the functionality of the massive correlator. 另外,因全球定位系统L5讯号尚未广播讯息,我们针对全球定位系统L5讯号之虚拟杂讯码产生器加以模拟,并利用巨量相关器来验证其功能。
- NO TORSION OF BELLOWS Splined stem prevents torsion of bellows and assures long cycle life. 不扭转的波纹管花键阀杆可防止波纹管旋转,确保较长的使用寿命。
- Superior finish (32 RMS) of packing chamber and stem (8 RMS) to assure long cycle life. 阀杆轴承保证同轴阀杆的旋转,使得阀杆填料具有最大的密封效果。
- Our battery energy density, low self-discharge rate, good performance, low resistance, long cycle life. 我们的电池能量密度高,自放电率低,性能好,内阻低,循环寿命长。
- The measures and methods of long cycle benign use of continuous casting crystallizer are elaborated in this article. 阐述了实现结晶器长周期良性使用的措施及方法。
- The user would hear both versions of the song (or PRN code), but the satellite's rendition would be delayed by the time it takes for sound to make its way from orbit to the earth's surface. 使用者将可听到来自双方的歌曲版本(也就是PRN码),但由于声波从轨道传送到地球表面会耗去一些时间,因此卫星的演奏会比接收器延后一些。
- Because this is the construction process of a long cycle, innovate must perforative from beginning to end. 由于这是一个长周期的建设过程,创新必须贯穿始终。
- The US Air Force has successfully hunched its first modernized GPS satellite(Block IIR-M) on 25 September 2005.It and following 13 GPS IIR-M satellites are added to the new GPS civil PRN code defined as L2-C code. 2005年9月26日,第一颗GPS IIR-M卫星入轨运行。 该卫星和后续将发射的13颗GPS IIR-M卫星能为全球用户提供一个新的民用伪噪声码(L2-C码)。
- "AIP Overload" causes paralysis in any process resulting in missed schedules, long cycle times, and low First Pass Yields. “进程中行动超负荷”引起流程的瘫痪,导致无法按期完成工作,周期时间长,第一次通过率低。
- Abstract: The long cycle of supply chain is the main reason of the unparallelism of the production and distribution, thus resulting in the overstock and higher cost. 摘要:供应链周期过长是造成产销不对应,库存积压、成本过高的一个重要原因。
- In order to shape the frequency spectra, the PRN codes are modulated onto a rectangular subcarrier. 为了要塑造频率频谱, PRN 密码在一个矩形的副载波之上被调整。
- Results show that the water level fluctuation with a long cycle and slow attenuation causes long regulation time of the unit. 计算分析表明,周期较长衰减较慢的尾水调压室水位波动会影响运行机组的调节品质,主要表现为调节时间较长。
- She also applied these PRN codes in a software receiver to acquire and track the Compass-M1 satellite. 她还将这些伪随机数码应用于一个软件接收机中获取并跟踪北斗-M1卫星。
- Conventional Business & Operational Supporting System ?BOSS? has two common problems? those are long cycle and high cost for developing new service. 业务运营支撑系统(BOSS)对多业务应用的支持是一个研究的热点。 目前的BOSS多数只支持单一类型业务,在增添新业务时普遍存在开发周期长、新增业务代价高昂的问题。