- long division method 长除法
- Try doing long division with roman numberals. 试试用罗马数字做连续的除法你就知道了。
- Can you do long division? 你会长除法吗?
- The application of Geo-Dynamic Division Method in Kailuan mining area is also introduced in this paper. 该方法工程投入少,简便易行,推广应用前景广阔。
- When the Prussian infantry is attacking, who has time to aim a cannon using long division? 在普鲁士步兵部队来袭的时候,谁还有时间用长除法调整大炮呢?
- An integrated module division method based on the combination of axiomatic design and fuzzy dendrogram was proposed. 摘 要: 提出了一种公理设计和模糊树图相结合的集成式模块划分方法。
- Used in the scheduling problem of a division method, the workpiece 6 to 4 on the same machine, how to allocate. 在调度问题中用到的一个划分方法,把6个工件到4个相同的机器上,如何分配。
- The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras. 万古地质时期中最长的分段,包括两个或两个以上的代
- The beam division method in maskless laser interference photolithography can be divided into wave-front division and amplitude division. 摘要无掩模激光干涉光刻中的分束方法一般有波前分割和振幅分割。
- To put this in perspective, think about long division. Raise your hand if you can do long division on paper, right now. Hands? Anyone? I didn't think so. 以透视的方法来对待的话,考虑用用长除法。现在就举起你的手如果你能在纸上做长整除。手吗?谁呢?我可不这么认为。
- Based on phase-locked division method, a method of using LSI-ISP devices is designed to realize integrating designation . 在改进的锁相细分方法基础上,采用大规模在系统可编程逻辑器件实现集成化设计。
- According to the characteristics of system resolution, a clutter simulation model for SBBR is built based on the clutter cell division method commonly used in monostatic system. 根据系统分辨率特点,建立了基于单基地散射单元划分的星载双基地雷达杂波仿真模型。
- The longest division of geologic time, made up of one or more periods. 纪元地质年代最长的划分,由一个或多个阶段组成
- Compared with runoff division method, the rainfall deduction method is characterized with simple calculation and a reasonable result but without additional NSP monitoring data. 与传统的径流分割法相比,降雨量差值法能利用现有水文水质资料而无需增加监测项目,即可对流域非点源污染负荷作出估算,计算过程简单,结果合理。
- Reservoir permeabilities are calculated by using flow unit division method based on the petrophysical theory of reservoir in this paper, obtaining better results. 本文根据储层岩石物理相理论,利用流动单元划分的方法计算储层渗透率,取得较好效果。
- Elementary schools focus on teaching children self-esteem,urging them to feel good about their accom-plishments (even if such accomplishments don't in-clude the ability to perform long division without a calculator). 小学着重教孩子们自我尊重,敦促他们要对自己的成就感到满意(即使这些成就不包括不用计算器做 除运算的能力)。
- Can you do long division ? 你会长除法吗?
- Nowadays I add, subtract, multiply, and do long division when no calculator is handy, and I can do algebra and geometry and even trigonometry in a pinch, but that is about all that I've kept from the language of numbers. 现在的我,若是手边没有计算器,便通过心算处理加减乘除;有必要时,我还能应付代数、何,甚至三角运算;但是话说回来,数字世界留给我的也就只有这些零星点滴了。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。