- long for former dynasty 故国之思
- Your article is a bit long for our paper. 你的文章对我们的报纸而言长了一点。
- The oppressed long for deliverance and liberation. 被压迫人民盼望着翻身得解放。
- I'm so tired.I think I'm not long for this world. 我一点力气也没有,我想我可能快要死了。
- They long for a chance to visit Shanghai. 他们渴望有机会访问上海。
- The pain made him long for oblivion. 他疼得恨不得失去知觉才好。
- As the skirt was too long for her, she had to pin up the hem. 她嫌裙子太长,只得用针把裙边别起来。
- Many young people in the country long for city life. 许多家村年轻人渴望城市生活。
- His present indigence is a sufficient punishment for former folly. 他现在所受的困苦足够惩罚他从前的胡作非为了。
- I long for the Island of Songs across this heaving Sea of Shouts. 在这喧哗的波涛起伏的海中,我渴望着咏歌之鸟。
- The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假。
- Ken Duberstein worked for former President Ronald Reagan. 肯.;杜贝斯坦曾为前总统里根工作。
- I am longing for quiet rural life. 我极想过清静的乡村生活。
- As an adherent of the former dynasty, he always has more feelings about the rise and fall of the country. 作为前朝遗民,他总有更多的兴亡之感。
- She longed for her husband to return home. 她渴望丈夫早日归来。
- She longed for the comforts of home. 她渴望获得使家居舒适的各种设备。
- The old sailor longed for life ashore. 老水手渴望过陆上生活。
- The people all over the world long for peace. 全世界人民渴望和平。
- In addition, a five-year "cooling off" period is proposed for former employees. 另外,NYSE提案中还对前任雇员规定了五年的“冷却期”.