- He's not longer living in Edinburgh. 他己经不在爱丁堡住了。
- One of the long living Oscar winners cited was Sir John Gielgud. “奥斯卡奖得主长寿”这一说法的例证之一是约翰·吉尔古德先生。
- I want to sublime my short love poem to a long living prose. 我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。
- Bedlington terriers are by and large a healthy, long living breed. 贝灵顿梗是一种可以拥有健康长寿的犬种。
- People are no longer living in poverty since the reform and opening up. 改革开放以来,人民的生活不再窘困。
- And she went through the days drearily. There was nothing now But this empty treadmill of what Clifford called the integrated life, the long living together of two people, who are in the habit of Being in the same house with one another. 她继续度着她毫无生气的日子。现在什么也没有了。只有那克利福所谓的完备生活的空壳子,那种两个人彼此习惯着在一个屋顶下面的长日漫漫的共同生涯。
- We are no longer living in a feudal society;do we need to cling on to this tradition? 今天,我们已告别封建时代,难道还要死抱为尊者讳的传统不放吗?
- The Delegation stated that Member States were no longer living in a unipolar and bipolar world. 该代表团说成员国不再生活在单极或两极世界。
- Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today. 尽管圣诞老人不复存在,但是今天慷慨大方的精神依然长存。
- US households, no longer living off capital gains, will have to start saving again. 美国家庭将不再依靠资本增值生活,而不得不再次开始储蓄。
- Inside adopt stainless steel cut-off valve, long lived. 内部采用不锈钢截止阀,寿命长。
- Shakespeare:broadminded's long lived sorrowbes enough fatal. 莎士比亚说:旷达者长寿、忧伤足以致命。
- The scientists who discovered atomic energy are no longer living, but the knowledge to use it remains with us. 发现原子能的科学家已经去世了,但是使用原子能的知识则继续流传著。
- Always yearned for in the peace and quiet of a prosperous life After another long lived in the bustling metropolis does not like the quiet rural life. 人在清净的时候总是向往繁华的生活,在喧哗的大都市住过以后又向往宁静的与世无争的田园生活。
- I assume that Cameron has been looking for them for 73 days because they are constantly on the move now that they are no longer living with Charley. 我认为卡梅隆确实寻找他们73天了,因为他们经常搬家而非和查理住在一起。
- Because of the long living in implosive area, most of the dresses are still hold the original look. 由于苗族人民长期居住于我国西南相对封闭的地区,因此服饰中还保留着较多的原始风貌。
- They no longer lived in yuppie Mid-Levels, but now became country bumpkins. 他们不再居住于优皮族的半山区,但现在成为了田园的华丽一族。
- Generally speaking, women live longer than men. 一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。
- The longest lived mammal may be the bowhead whale, which some evidence suggests can live to over 200. 寿命最长的哺乳动物可能是北极露脊鲸,有证据表明其可以活超过200年。
- The longest lived animal of all may be the quahog clam, which can live for over 400 years. 动物中的终极寿星可能是帘蛤,其寿命可以超过400年。