- Design of Longitudinal Control Law for an UAV Based on LQR 基于LQR技术的无人机纵向控制律设计
- Longitudinal Control Law Design for Tailless Aeroplane and Research on Tranformation Status 无尾飞机纵向控制律设计及转换瞬态研究
- Design of Normal Acceleration Control of Aircraft Vehicle in Longitudinal Control Law 飞机纵向控制中的法向过载设计
- longitudinal control law 纵向控制律
- Monte Carlo method is employed in longitudinal stability enhanced control law design and simulation process of a FBW flight control system in this paper. 设计过程也表明,蒙特卡罗方法可以有效支持和优化电传飞控系统的设计和验证过程。
- longitudinal control laws 纵向控制律
- Abstract: This paper gives the mathematical model of transverse control system from the basis of the longitudinal control system of a LGB. 文摘:根据某型激光制导炸弹(LGB)的纵向控制系统,给出了侧向控制系统的数学模型;讨论了LGB投放区的概念并通过仿真得到了工程化的投放区;
- The relationships between agilities and flight control law (FCL) are analyzed. 摘要分析了敏捷性与飞控系统控制律之间的关系。
- This paper gives the mathematical model of transverse control system from the basis of the longitudinal control system of a LGB. 根据某型激光制导炸弹(LGB)的纵向控制系统,给出了侧向控制系统的数学模型;讨论了LGB投放区的概念并通过仿真得到了工程化的投放区;
- The attitude control system of maneuver missile head is designed by applyi ng nonlinear decoupling control law. 然后采用非线性解耦控制理论设计了机动弹头的姿态控制系统。
- Especially using the load of DIY control law,the design efficiency is improved greatly. 尤其是自定义控制的加载,有益地改善了用户的设计效率。
- The paper describes a control algorithm of Automobile Motion, including horizontal control algorithm and longitudinal control algorithm and then set up the simple model of auto kinetic control system. 本文并初步探讨了汽车运动的控制算法,包括横向控制算法和纵向控制算法,并建立起汽车运动控制系统的简化模型。
- In addition, the control law has been modified to preclude the influence of reaction wheels' friction. 此外,还针对飞轮摩擦等带来的常值干扰,对控制律进行了修正,以提高控制精度。
- A reduced-order state observer and a control law based on the observer are designed. 建立了相应的数学模型,并在此模型的基础上,设计了降维状态观测器和基于观测器的反馈控制律。
- The research of the control law is a very important aspect of the active vibration control. 而控制策略即控制律设计方法的研究是整个振动主动控制领域中的一个很重要的方面。
- This method combines PID control law with neural network and adaptive optimizes parameters by genetic algorithm . 该方法将PID控制规律融入多层神经网络结构中,利用遗传算法来自适应寻优参数。
- An attitude control law for single axial direction control of an exoatmospheric interceptor is put forward. 针对单轴定向大气层外拦截器设计了一种姿态控制律。
- Tobias flywheel system, based on variable structure control theory, an uncoupledvariable structure control law is? 针对零动量飞轮,基于变结构控制设计了解耦变结构控制律,并分析了其稳定性和鲁棒性。
- Multimode Flight Control Law of Integrated Flight/Fire Control (IFFC) is lucubrated in this dissertation. 对综合飞行/火力控制(IFFC)中的多模态飞行控制律进行了深入研究 。