- Ed Mezvinsky, longtime friends of the Clintons. 他们和克林顿夫妇是多年的好友。
- Brother out of prison. His longtime friend and defense attorney. 他的老朋友和辩护律师说他输了官司,他没救了。
- Randt Jr., a longtime friend and a lawyer with Asia experience. RandtJr,小布什的老朋友,以及由在亚洲作律师的经验,而被委派。
- His lawyer and longtime friend, Veronica Donovan, stands beside him. 他的辩护律师,也是他多年的好友,维罗妮卡?
- Anderson and her longtime friend Salomon wed in Las Vegas on Oct. 6. 他们将在周五例举他们不可调和的矛盾,用法律形式,来解决结婚问题。
- They have been through marriage, kidsdivorce with each othercommunicate in that shorthand that longtime friends have. 他们都经历了结婚,生子,离婚的过程,作为老朋友也经常在一起沟通。
- About a month ago, one of my longtime friends was shopping with his 10-year-old daughter when she saw a Beanie Baby she wanted. 大约一个月前,我的一个老朋友带着他十岁的女儿去购物。他女儿看到一只标价4美元的豆粒玩偶很想要。
- "I think their relationship as individuals will be okay," says their longtime friend McInnes. 凯文夫妇的故友Mclnnes说:“我觉得他们的关系如果保持独立会没有问题。
- During the same week my longtime friend Senator David Pryor announced that he would not seek reelection in 1996. 同一周,我的老朋友参议员戴维.;普赖尔宣布他不会在1996年再寻求连任。
- Longtime friends like Mack McLarty and Vince Foster helped me break into the Little Rock business and professional communities. 我的老朋友麦克.;麦克拉蒂和文斯
- A longtime friend and freelance Web designer, Zhou Yan, has become Mr.Shi's publicity maven. 施孟奇的老友、自由网页设计者周燕成了他的宣传专家。
- And his subsequent role in the anti-war movement, he betrays more than a passing interest on getting the message out about his longtime friend. 当被问及他希望观众从这部90分钟的电影里领悟到什么时,巴特勒表现出非同一般的兴趣,极力宣传他这位相识多年的好友。
- Meese also came under fire for the advice he took from longtime friend and attorney E. Robert Wallach, who is now under indictment in the Wedtech scandal. 米斯也因为听了他的老友沃勒克律师的忠告而受到抨击。沃律师现正因威泰克丑闻被提起公诉。
- The elder Peale painted a slightly pudgy, compassionate-looking, even rosy-cheeked person: his longtime friend and comrade. 父亲画出的华盛顿稍微粗胖、富同情心、脸颊红润,是他长年的朋友与忠实夥伴。
- Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine.The will names as executors two longtime friends and business associates of Mr.Jackson: lawyer John Branca and record executive John McClain. 遗嘱中列出的执行人是杰克逊的两位多年好友和业务助手:律师布兰卡(JohnBranca)和唱片制作人麦克莱恩(JohnMcClain)。
- Jeffry Picower, a longtime friend of Bernard Madoff and a figure who had been under scrutiny in the criminal investigation surrounding Mr. 美国佛罗里达州棕榈滩警察局说,马多夫(BernardMadoff)的多年好友皮考尔(JeffryPicower)周日死亡;
- Meese also came under fire for the advice he took from longtime friend and attorney E. Robert Wallach,who is now under indictment in the Wedtech scandal. 米斯也因为听了他的老友沃勒克律师的忠告而受到抨击。沃律师现正因威泰克丑闻被提起公诉。
- Recalling his college days, he messages a picture of a rainbow to his longtime friend Aoi (Ueno Juri), only to find out later that she has passed away in a plane crash. 看似哥儿们的两人,在葵的心中却起了微妙的变化。大学毕业后,葵顺利进入电影公司上班,而智也却一直处于失业状态。葵将职缺引介给智也,并为了电影梦想而去美国留学。
- Patrick Balkany, a centre-right mayor and longtime friend of the first couple, said: "He's doing well, he's hungry, he's complaining, everything's fine. 中右翼市长派屈克.;巴尔肯尼是第一夫妇多年来的朋友,他表示说“总统现在情况良好,他会感到饿,会抱怨个不停,一切都没问题。”
- On the outside Michael has only one ally, his defense attorney and longtime friend, VERONICA DONOVAN (Robin Tunney) - who also happens to be Lincoln's former girlfriend. 林肯的死刑执行日越来越逼近,在没有其他选择的情况下,迈克尔持枪闯入了一家银行,被捕入狱后来到了林肯的身边。