- Analog Loop Back is a common test for locating transmission problems in data transmission systems. 数据传输系统中,模拟环回是一种常用的测试本地传输状况的方法。
- Such as PSA abrasive paperdisc:nylon loop back abrasive paper dise,Consmetic sanding papers and net sanding papers,etc. 如:不干 圆盘砂、尼龙塔扣砂盘、美容砂纸、网络砂纸等。
- The new OAM protocols should have basic management regulations including link state testing, fault alert, loop back etc. 新协议应该加入诸如链路状态检测,错误发生警告,环回测试等规程来实现接入管理。
- Like a combination of Loop Back and Knotted Lacing, the laces are twisted together with a vertical overhand knot at each crossover before continuing to the other side. 像组合回送结拉筋;鞋带扭在一起有垂直肩上结;在每个交叉;然后继续前往对岸.
- Like a combination of Loop Back and Knotted Lacing , the laces are twisted together with a vertical overhand knot at each crossover before continuing to the other side. 如结合环回和打结花边的花边是缠绕在一起垂直上手在每个交叉结继续之前的另一边。
- The chain of referrals has looped back to a referring server. 引用值链已经循环回到引用服务器。
- In some cases, you may also want to loop back and interview this particularly knowledgeable and articulate subject again at the end of the interview cycle to address any topics that you weren’t aware of during your initial interview. 有时在访谈周期的结束阶段,你可能希望回过头对某个知识丰富且表达清楚的被访者重新进行访谈,处理某些前期访谈没有意识到的问题。
- Two small boats ferry people back and forth. 两只小船往返为人摆渡。
- The flight from Washington looped back and crashed into the Pentagon. 而从华盛顿起飞的航班则回过头来撞向五角大楼。
- loop back acknowledgement message 环回证实消息
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
- Some were straight, some were bent and some even looped back on themselves in toroidal configurations. 有些是直线形,有些是弯曲形,甚至还有环状的。
- The river loops back and forth upon itself, it has tripled or quadrupled the distance to our object. 河道老在原地绕圈子;使我们到达目的地的距离延长了三四倍.
- What does a sphere of reflecting, responsive, coadapting, and recursive bits of life looping back upon itself do? 这个由映射、回应、相互适应以及循环回自我的递归惯例构成的星球做些什么呢?
- I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. 等我回去找的时候 船已经开走了。
- It makes sense to map a control like this to unbounded movement in some direction (like zoom), or movement within data that loops back on itself. 将这种控件映射为某个方向的无限制移动(如缩放),或者在数据的移动中依赖其自身才能返回才是有意义的。
- The road makes a wide loop around the lake. 这条路沿湖绕一大圈。
- Dad overtured take a ferry go back home. 爸爸提议乘坐渡轮到尖沙咀,再转乘巴士回家。
- It makes sense to map a control like this to unbounded movement in some direction ( like zoom), or movement within data that loops back on itself. 将这种控件映射为某个方向的无限制移动(如缩放),或者在数据的移动中依赖其自身才能返回才是有意义的。