- loose cirele of soft rock 软岩松动圈
- The TIR radiation of soft rock is influenced with seawater. 同时发现红外辐射温度变化受海水的影响。
- It gives clear definition and classification of soft rock, and a comprehensive study has been made on the mechanism of soft rock failure. 首先明确了软岩的定义及分类,对影响软岩隧道稳定因素,软岩隧道失稳的力学机理和变形力学机制作了较为全面的研究。
- The combined effects of soft rock sites and anelastic attenuation factor have been separated and determined respectively by using this method. 采用该方法,分离软基岩场地联合效应和非弹性衰减的影响,并把二者分别确定出来。
- The paper analyses character of soft rock roadways and deep roadways, puts forward effective scientific support methods. 通过对软岩及深部井巷特点的了解与分析,提出有效、合理、科学的支护方法。
- Once deep-buried long tunnel is constructed in soft rock under high crustal stress,rheology of soft rock is an outstanding engineering geology problem. 在高地应力环境下的软弱围岩中修建深埋长隧道,软弱围岩流变一是个突出的工程地质问题。
- Any of various mollusks that bore into soft rock or wood. 钻蛀虫钻入松软岩石或木头中的软体动物
- On the basis of mechanism of soft rock deformation,the coupled supporting principle has been deve loped in this article. 根据煤矿软岩的变形力学机制,提出耦合支护力学原理。
- Once deep-buried long tunnel is constructed in soft rock under high crustal stress,rheology of soft rock is an outstandingengineering geology problem. 在高地应力环境下的软弱国岩中修建深埋长隧道,软弱围岩流变一是个突出的工程地质问题。
- Through researching on the charaters of soft rock and ground pressure,provides more ideal support methods so sa to achieve better economic benefit. 通过对元宝山矿区软岩特征和软岩巷道地压显现的研究,提出了更为理想的支护方式,以达到良好的经济效益。
- The combined effects of soft rock sites and anelastic attenuation factor have been separated and determined respectively by(using) this method. 采用该方法,分离软基岩场地联合效应和非弹性衰减的影响,并把二者分别确定出来。
- A woman's loose dressing gown,often of soft,delicate fabric. 妇女长睡衣妇女穿的宽松的长袍,通常由柔软的精细的丝织品制成
- Deep grooves channelled the soft rock. 在软岩石上形成许多深槽。
- Once deep-buried long tunnel is constructed in soft rock under high crustal stress, rheology of soft rock is an outstanding engineering geology problem. 摘要在高地应力环境下的软弱围岩中修建深埋长隧道,软弱围岩流变一是个突出的工程地质问题。
- Through the testing and analysis,it is found that thenardite salt rock is a kind of soft rock,the strength of which is low and the deformation is distinct. 通过试验,发现无水芒硝岩盐是一种软岩,强度较低,变形较大。
- A woman's loose dressing gown, often of soft, delicate fabric. 妇女长睡衣妇女穿的宽松的长袍,通常由柔软的精细的丝织品制成
- A muffled sound resembling that of soft footsteps. 低沉声音象柔柔的脚步声的低沉的声音
- Researching of scientific supporting fashions of soft rock roadways in high geo-stress environment is the key of ensuring coal mining deeply in Coal Mine. 研究高地应力软岩环境下巷道科学的支护方式是保证煤矿采掘深部煤层的关键。
- The weathering of soft rock was systimatically analyzed through measuring its microsturcture, microporosity, macrofissure, and the physico chemical properties. 通过对软岩风化前后微结构、微孔隙及宏观裂隙和宏观物理力学参数的测试对比,系统地研究了软岩风化的微观和宏观效应。
- Beat the mixture to the consistency of soft butter. 将混合物搅拌得硬度与软牛油相当