- Tightly woven, loose fitting clothes will provide additional protection from the sun. 编织紧密的宽松衣服将对太阳提供额外的保护。
- There was the man with a shaved head and loose fitting clothes who read a book on Buddhism while fingering prayer beads. 还有一个剃着光头、衣着宽松的人,一边读着关于佛教的书,一边用手指拨弄着念珠。
- A proportioned model that may be adjusted for fitting clothes. 可调整大小比例的模型与人体相称的,常可调整的模型,以适用各种服装
- The best clothing is loose fitting with a close weave. 最好的衣服是紧密编织的宽松式服装。
- Tight fitting clothes like jeans also impact fertility, he said. 他说,牛仔裤之类的紧身衣裤同样对生育力有影响。
- A loose fit that can be worn low on the hipbone for a casual look. 宽松式样让您能轻松挂在胯部,瞬间营造悠闲慵懒感觉。
- The seating is machined to a G7 tolerance to provide a loose fit. 底座加工到符合G7公差,以提供松配合。
- A loose fitting jacket,resembles a shirt with four patch pockets and a belt. 一种宽松合身的夹克,很像一种有四个口袋和一条束带的衬衣。
- With a loose fit on a cylindrical seating, in a cross-locating arrangement. 轴承以松配合安装在圆柱基座上的交叉定位配置中。
- A woman’s dress should also be loose fitting so as not to reveal her body shape to protect her modesty. 女人的洋装也应该是解放适宜的如此同样不要她的身体塑造保护她的谦逊。
- Fitness clothes by Bia Brazil, BlueFish and Planet Body. 网站简介:Women s exercise clothing and workout wear.
- Loosely fitting hose or breeches worn in the16th and17th centuries. 宽松短裤16,17世纪穿的宽松适当的短裤或马裤
- Printed patterns of folklore styles with crocheted details giving a handcrafted feel that go with the loose fitting will also become one of this season’s main draws. 而有民俗风格的印花图案及手工感的钩针细节搭配宽松的廓形,也将成为本季的主打之一。
- Denim pants with 5 pocket styling and button enclosure. Medium sandblast with whiskering effect and worn edges. Conttrast stitching and small label at front pockets. Loose fit. 舒适宽松的牛仔是以5个口袋和带有纽扣附件的促斜纹棉布料制成,穿着舒适又方便,充满了当代欧洲的简约时尚风格,但又不失精致。耐洗。
- Facemasks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the facemask and your face. 由于外科口罩和使用者脸部的配合是宽松式的,对微生物和其他污染物的防护是不完全的。
- A loosely fitting dress that hangs straight from the shoulder; a chemise. 宽松女服一种直接从肩头垂下来的宽松衣服;无腰身宽女服。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- Waistcoats and "purist'' shirts, slim line trousers, loose fitting nylon trench coats, lumber jackets and short coats were typically fashioned from lightweight fabrics with stretch quality. 背心,纯正的衬衣,瘦型长裤,宽松合体的尼龙大衣,伐木工夹克衫和短上衣是典型的轻质有弹性的纺织品的代表时尚。
- A woman's or child's loosely fitting shirt that extends to the waist or slightly below. 宽松短衫妇女或儿童穿的宽松短衫,可遮至腰部或稍下的地方
- Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing. 清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。