- Loose rocks rained down (the hillside). 松动的岩石大量滚下(山坡).
- The blasting effect of this project prove that long hole loose millisecond controlled blasting is a new technology extraordinarily suitable for rock excavation,and worth to be widely spread. 该工程的爆破效果有力地证明了深孔松动微差控制爆破技术是非常适合岩石开挖工程的一门新技术,值得推广。
- We slowly made our wayup a slopeof rock walls, ledges and loose rock. 我们慢慢爬上一面斜坡,坡上尽是石壁、突出的岩壁及松落的石块。
- In reality, this was their first and the incredible amount of loose rock and gravel continued to amaze them. 事实上,这是他们第一次的攀登,那些难以置信的松散的岩石和砂砾更是一直让他们惊讶。
- Ventilation is a very important process in rock excavation by blasting in underground engineering. 地下工程钻爆开挖过程中,通风排烟是重要的一环。
- An integrated intelligent method for bolt-shotcrete support design in underground rock excavation is presented. 摘要提出了一种可用于岩石地下工程锚喷支护设计的人工智能综合设计方法。
- The first reason is the loose rock? soil constitution and deformation of fossil landslide. 分析表明,古滑体复活的首要原因是古滑体的变形破坏及其疏松物质组成为滑体复活创造了基础。
- But Bink's foot struck a loose rock, which turned his ankle long enough to cost him his balance. 但是宾克一脚踩在了一块松软的岩石上,脚下一崴,险些摔倒。
- At the summit, I re-tightened my laces for the descent, which we quite steep in parts with a lot of loose rock at the beginning and end. 在山顶,我重新绑紧了鞋带,下山的路是很陡峭的,从头到尾都有些会滑的岩石。
- Materials are usually described as “rock”,“loose rock”, or “common”, with “common” signifying all material not otherwise classified. 材料通常分为“岩石”,“松石”或“普通土”,“普通土”表示另两类之外的所有材料。
- Mechanization construction of rock excavation 国外石方工程的机械化施工评述
- The footing corals start to anchor down on the loose rocks, and the subterranean sponges burrow underneath. 基脚珊瑚开始向下扎根到松散的岩石中,而身处地下的海绵会在底下挖洞。
- The Application of Short Delay Controlled Blasting Technology for Deep Hole Loose in Rock Excavation 深孔松动微差控爆技术在岩石开挖工程中的应用
- The Reinforcing and Supporting Technology for Tunnel Excavation in Loose Rock Blocks 塌方松散体中开挖隧洞口的加固支护技术
- Brush and loose rock diversion weir 梢枝块石导水堰
- The results show that rock excavations of the underground powerhouse for the given geological conditions can be achieved technically. 结果表明:水布垭地下厂房洞室开挖在技术上是可行的;
- Bind the rope fast lest it should come loose. 把绳子绑牢,免得它松脱。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。