- The article is loosely organized. 文章结构松散。
- loosely organized system 松散组织的系统
- The music society I belong to is only loosely organized. 我参加的音乐协会只是一个松散的组织。
- And multiple organ system failure. 多器官系统衰竭。
- He foresaw that this vast, loosely organized empire could not survive intact for long. 他预见到这样辽阔、松散的帝国不可能长久完整地存在。
- The auxiliary verb is an organic system of trends. 助动词内部是一个动态的有机系统;
- The concept of society as an organized system developing through definite laws and stages had been established. 关于社会是根据一定规律和阶段而发展的有机系统的概念业已确立。
- The Mongols burst out of their obscurity into history in the early thirteenth century when Temujin ("Ironsmith"), a tribal leader, united a number of loosely organized tribes into a single, disciplined force. 13世纪初,部落首领铁木真(“铁匠”)把几个松散的部落联合起来,组成了一支统一的、有纪律的队伍,从此蒙古人从默默无闻中脱颖而出,载人史册。
- Persistent spectral hile-burning of the organic system THP/PMMA[J]. 引用该论文 陈凌冰;赵有源;李富铭;李军;潘道成;张和康.
- All unit SUS304 and axletree also, well organized system assure all machine enable to counteract canker and no leak. 全不锈钢架构、定制之不锈钢轴承座,严密的密封措施,确保机台耐腐蚀、无侧漏。
- The fourth part expatiates the 5 phase of executive course and used organized system . 第四部分阐述了执行进程的5个阶段和推行的组织体系。
- Management is the key factor through which organized system achieves itS goals and it changes and develops unceasingly. 管理是组织实现目标的关键因素,其本身在不断地变化和发展。
- Some organic systems involve more complex fixation. 一些有机体系还牵涉到比较复杂的凝固。
- Lead is a systemic toxin that affects nearly every organ system in the body. 铅是一种内吸收毒物,能影响几乎全身的所有器官组织。
- a loosely organized confederacy of allies 组织松散的同盟国联盟
- Systemic lupus can affect almost any organ or organ system in the body. 这种病几乎会影响任何器官以及人体的任何器官系统。
- The PLA's political work implements the Party committee (Party branch) system,political leader system and political organ system. 军队政治工作实行党委(支部)制度、政治首长制度和政治机关制度。
- "We know that omega-3 can protect the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, really every organ system that we know of, including the brain," says Stoll. 斯托尔说:“我们知道,欧米伽-3可以保护心脏、肺、肾,实际上还有我们已知的每个器官系统,包括大脑。”
- The PLA's political work implements the Party committee (Party branch) system, political leader system and political organ system. 军队政治工作实行党委(支部)制度、政治首长制度和政治机关制度。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。