- The fight was won by a knockout. 这场拳击以一击将对方打倒而获胜。
- To defeat(a boxing opponent) by a knockout. 击倒对手通过击到对方而击败(拳击比赛中的对手)
- loser by a knockout 被击倒的失败者
- Tyson decisioned his opponent by a point score rather than a knockout. 泰森靠判定而不是靠击倒对手获胜。
- Our team was the loser by five points. 我队以五分之差败北。
- It is also a knockout if a fighter cannot continue for any reason (unless injured by a foul). 当一方因任何原因(犯规受伤除外)不能继续比赛时也算被击倒。
- Explain that neither can secure more than a knockout, which should be followed up instantly by a killing attack. 说明这两种打击都是击倒效果,应该立即补上致命一击。
- You shall not be the loser by it. 不会让你因此吃亏的。
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- He was led astray by a hooligan. 他被一个流氓引上了邪路。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- You will be the loser by your foolish action; now think on that. 你这种愚蠢行为会使你吃亏的,你得考虑一下。
- The malformation of his knee is caused by a fall. 他膝盖的畸形是由摔了一跤造成的。
- He is badly beat up by a gang of thug. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。
- The clause should be set off by a comma. 这个从句应该用逗号隔开。
- He won the fight by a knockout. 他一拳击倒对手,获得胜利。
- He was waylaid by a band of guerrillas. 他遭到游击队的狙击。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。
- The old man is scourged by a guilty conscience. 这个老人受到负罪感的折磨。