- loudness of heart sounds 心音响度
- The amplitude or loudness of a sound. 音量声音的响度或强度
- A graphic record of heart sounds and murmurs that is produced by a phonocardiograph. 心音描记图通过心音描记器产生的心脏声音和杂音的图画记录
- The experiments showed that ICA could separate the components of heart sounds from PCG signals successfully. 试验结果表明,ICA在心音信号的处理中是一种很有潜力的方法。
- Loudness of sound may be measured. 声音的响度可以测量。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- The amplitudeor loudness of a sound. 音量声音的响度或强度。
- How many ventricles of heart does a man have? 每个人有几个心室?
- With distribution feature of heart sound signals in wavelet domain, an analysis method is proposed for parametric bispectrum of heart sound signals based on wavelet transform domain in this paper. 本文利用心音信号在小波域的分布特点,提出了一种基于小波变换域的参数化双谱心音信号分析方法。
- Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。
- It is more important that diagnosing CHD early.The heart sound contains lots of heart information about auricle, ventricles and valvular, so it has high value in CHD clinical diagnosing. 心音含有心功能、心脏各房、室、瓣膜的生理、病理信息,对先心病临床诊断有很高的参考价值。
- The loudness of the party annoyed me. 晚会的吵闹声令我心烦。
- His kindness of heart endeared him to all. 他的仁慈心肠使他为大家所喜爱。
- Recognition and Classification of Heart Sounds 心音信号的识别与分类
- Increase the loudness of(a radio,television,etc. 开大(收音机、电视机等)的音量
- Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease. 吸烟是引起心脏病的一种病因。
- Get a loud of this: Alice got married yesterday. 你听这消息:爱丽丝昨天结婚了。
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Heart Sounds 心音的非线性时间序列分析
- There's a high incidence of heart disease there. 那个地方心脏病的发病率很高。