- In this paper,a new low detonation velocity explosive was prepared, the raw materials include oxide agent,ordnance propellant and additives. 文章研制了一种新型的低爆速炸药,选用的原材料有氧化剂、军用废火药及少量助剂。
- low detonation velocity explosive 低爆速炸药
- Synthesis of a New Low Detonation Velocity Explosive 一种低爆速炸药的研制
- A Study of Low Detonation Velocity Explosive for Seismic Charge 震源药柱用低爆速炸药的研制
- Liquid Low Detonation Velocity Explosive with Urear Perchlorate 产品名称高氯酸脲系列液体低爆速炸药
- Development of Powdery Low Detonation Velocity Explosives from Propellants 含发射药的粉状低爆速炸药研制
- Experimental investigation on mining explosive of low detonation velocity 煤矿低爆速炸药的实验研究
- Optimization of Density-moderating Agent for Explosive of Low Detonation Velocity 低爆速炸药中密度调节剂的优选
- The Research and Application of the Low Detonation Velocity and Elongated Source Charge 低爆速细长震源药柱的研究与应用
- Study on Low Detonation Velocity Expanded Ammonium Nitrate Explosives and Its Safe Property 低爆速膨化硝铵炸药及其安全性研究
- Research on Optimizing the Formula of Composite Explosive of Low Detonation Velocity 低爆速混合炸药配方的优化研究
- low detonation velocity 低爆速
- Two characteristic indexes of Nonel tube, detonation velocity and drawing intension, were discussed in the product standard WJ2019 91. 针对即将修订的塑料导爆管标准WJ2019-91,对其中爆速和抗拉强度两项指标进行了讨论。
- A pencil core is used as a detonation velocity meter to measure the developing velocity of fissure induced by explosion of the cement model. 文章介绍了一种用铅笔芯作为爆速仪探针测量水泥模型爆炸裂缝发展速度的方法。
- The manufacturing technology of seismic charge with high detonation velocity containing single base propellant and double base propellant is researched. 研制含单基药、双基药的高爆速震源药柱,并对其制造工艺进行了研究。
- The results indicate that with the increment of the inertial substance, the detonation velocity and brisance of powdery emulsion explosive become lower gradually. 结果表明,随着惰性物质含量的增加,炸药猛度和爆速逐渐降低;
- The nitroalkanol imparts improved sensitivity and detonation velocities. 硝化烷醇提高了感度和爆速。
- Theis paper described the experimental research into the cap sensitivity classification and detonation velocity of the tackiness-increased prilled ANFO explosives in the various confined conditions. 对于不同约束条件下增粘粒状铵油炸药的雷管感度等级和爆速所进行的试验研究,为该种炸药在地下小直径炮孔爆破中的推广使用提供了可靠依据。
- Continuous detonation velocity of explosive 炸药连续爆速
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。