- low permeability flow 低渗透问题
- Abstract: A mathematical model of fluid flow in low permeability gas reservoirs is developed, with gas slippage effect taken into consideration. 文摘:低渗透气田在我国分布极广,开发此类气田具有重要的现实意义。
- The experiment of single-phase flow through low permeability core shows that during fluid flow there exists start-up pressure gradient. 摘要低渗透岩心单相渗流实验表明,流体渗流时存在启动压力梯度。
- Fingering often occurs in waterflood development low permeability reservoir because of non-Darcy flow, which is weakened with formation dip increasing. 结果表明,由于非达西渗流的影响,注水开发时容易发生指进现象,而地层倾角的增大可以削弱指进;
- Most low permeability gas reservoirs belong to deformed media. 摘要大部分低渗透气藏属于变形介质。
- During well testing in low permeability reservoir, the produced fluids could not flow out of the wellbore, and there occurred a slug flow at wellbore. 在低渗透油田的测试过程中,井筒中的流体常因流不出地表而在井筒中发生段塞式流动,使流动与恢复测试阶段的井筒压力均上升。
- The threshold pressure gradient of low permeability sandstone was studied experimentally by measuring the pressure attenuation in an unsteady seepage flow. 为了研究低渗透砂岩的启动压力梯度,设计了一种非稳态渗流中测量压力的试验方法。
- Nonsteady flow method is usually used to conduct water drive test for low permeability reservoir,but it is less accurate and cannot meet production need. 通常对于低渗储层进行水驱油测试采用非稳定流方法,但该测试方法准确性较差,不能满足生产要求。
- The results from experimental data of low permeability cores by dimensionless analysis show that the fluid flow in low permeability reservoir is non-Darcy flow. 用无因次分析法对低渗透岩心的实验数据进行了分析,得出新的低渗透油藏非达西渗流方程,并建立了油水两相渗流的数学模型。
- Multiple-well twin-pipeline process flow, as one of the especially low permeability oilfield technology, has been widely used and developed in Changqing oilfield. 多井双管流程作为特低渗油田集输工艺技术之一己在长庆油田得到了广泛的应用和发展。
- The results show that under residual water conditions, gas percolation with low speed in water-wet low permeability reservoirs has obvious characteristics of non-Darcy flow. 研究成果表明:在残馀水状态下,亲水低渗储层岩石中的气体低速渗流具有明显的非达西渗流特徵;
- Well logging evaluation methods for low permeability oil reservoirs. 低渗透储集层测井评价方法。
- Low permeability reservoir development is a technical challenge in China. 摘要低渗气藏的开发已成为我国气藏开发所面临的一个技术挑战。
- However, studies have shown that flow in low permeability media does not follow Darcy's law, and that a starting pressure gradient (SPG) occurs in the percolation. 建立了低渗非达西渗流相对渗透率计算方法,导出了计算公式,并进行了非稳态流动实验。结果表明:在低渗油藏相对渗透率曲线中,束缚水和残余油饱和度较高,两相渗流区范围较窄;
- Anan oilfield is a typical low permeability complex fault block reservoir. 阿南油田属低渗透复杂断块油田,断层比较发育,构造极为破碎。
- There are a lot of low permeability gas fields in our country.For their low natural deliverability, they need to be fractured to get industrial gas flow. 摘要我国存在大量的低渗透气田,由于自然产能低,需要进行压裂后才能生产。
- There are a lot of low permeability gas fields in our country.Because of their low natural deliverability,they need to be fractured to get industrial gas flow. 我国有大量低渗透气田,这类气藏自然产能极低,需要压裂后才能进行生产,若压裂后配产不合理,将导致出砂、裂缝闭合等不利情况,达不到增产的目的。
- A natural escape of hot fluids from the steam reservoir should be prevented by cap rocks with low permeability. 只要存在通透性能低的盖层,蒸气储放热流体就不会自行外逸。
- The concept of this self-sealing process broadens the likelihood of cap rocks with low permeability occurring in volcanic areas. 自封密过程这一概念使得火山区也可能出现渗透性能很低的盖层。
- A complete set of EOR technology by gas injection in low permeability oil reservoirs. 低渗透油藏注气提高采收率配套技术