- A complete set of EOR technology by gas injection in low permeability oil reservoirs. 低渗透油藏注气提高采收率配套技术
- During the exploration and development for the medium and low permeability oil and gas reservoirs,it has a actual value. 在中低渗油气藏勘探开发过程中,具有一定的实用价值。
- The Permian Shanxi Formation in Yulin Gas Field is a typical low porosity and low permeability lithologic reservoir. 榆林气田二叠系山西组气藏属于典型的低孔、低渗、岩性气藏。
- Clastic rocks of Shaximiao gas reservoir in Pingluoba gas field have the characteristics of low permeability and super compactedness. 平落坝气田沙溪庙气藏碎屑岩具有低渗透、超致密的特性。
- Well logging evaluation methods for low permeability oil reservoirs. 低渗透储集层测井评价方法。
- According to knowledge from numerous studies, this article present a set of hydraulic fracturing /acid treating techniques of protect reservoir in reservoir, offered a slip of efficient path of highly active developing low permeability oil field. 依据本文大量研究工作所得到的认识,提出了一套低渗油气藏保护储集层的压裂、酸化液技术,为高效开发特低渗透油田提供了一条的有效途径。
- With tubular polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane separation unit treating the produced sewage on the spot,the treated sewage can meet the water injec-tion standard in low permeability oil field. 用管式聚砜超滤膜分离装置现场处理采油污水,经过处理的污水达到了低渗透油田注水标准。
- The main conclusion of research is that the formation of Shihezi and Shanxi in the upper palaeozoic gas pool at the SuLige gas field is characteristic of low permeability and medium porosity. 研究的主要结论:苏里格气田上古气藏下石盒子组-山西组的储层为低渗透率、低孔隙度储层,沉积相类型主要是河流沉积。
- Countermeasures of EOR in low permeability oil reservoirs of Shengli petroliferous area. 胜利油区低渗透油藏提高采收率技术对策
- Wu Erhe Oilfield belongs to medium porosity, low permeability oil reservoir, and is intensively heterogeneous . 乌尔禾油田属于中孔、低渗油藏,储层非均质性严重;
- low permeability oil and gas reservoir 低渗透油气层
- There are a lot of low permeability gas fields in our country.For their low natural deliverability, they need to be fractured to get industrial gas flow. 摘要我国存在大量的低渗透气田,由于自然产能低,需要进行压裂后才能生产。
- We got the conclusion that the divert fracturing technology is a new re-fracturing technique at the high water cut stage for low permeability oil res... 提出了转向压裂技术是靖安油田低渗透油藏高含水期一种新的重复压裂工艺技术。
- Zenith Dawn Oilfield Equipment Technical Development Co., Ltd. specializes in the development, manufacture sales of novel oil well cementing materials oil gas field l equipment. 公司简介:厦门卓晓油田设备技术开发有限公司主要从事油田固井新材料及油气田地面技术设备的科研、生产和销售。
- Plugging removal with high pressure pulse jet acidization is new technique to be used for increment of production and injection in low permeability oil fields. 高压脉冲射流酸化解堵是用于低渗透油田增产增注的新技术。
- There are a lot of low permeability gas fields in our country.Because of their low natural deliverability,they need to be fractured to get industrial gas flow. 我国有大量低渗透气田,这类气藏自然产能极低,需要压裂后才能进行生产,若压裂后配产不合理,将导致出砂、裂缝闭合等不利情况,达不到增产的目的。
- For acidizing result is poor in low permeability oil well in Pucheng Oilfield,and water cut is rised rapidly,acidizing technology on emulsified acid is studied. 针对濮城低渗透油井酸化后效果差、含水上升快这一实际情况,研究了乳化酸酸化工艺技术。
- Shanle Oilfield is the especially low permeability oil reservoir of coal measure interlay in Tuha oil region,with particular geologic condition and complicated structure. 鄯勒油田是吐哈油区的一个特低渗煤系互层油藏,地质条件特殊,构造复杂。
- Finally by means of capillary bundle model, the empirical equation is given to describe the non-Darcy filtration features in single facies fluid of low permeability oil reservoirs. 最后通过毛管束模型给出了描述低渗透油藏单相流体非达西渗流特徵的经验方程。
- The impact of starting pressure gradient must be considered due to existence of starting pressure gradient and recovery difficulty during the development of low permeability oil reservoirs. 低渗透油田由于存在启动压力梯度,开采难度很大,因此,在低渗透油田开发时必须考虑启动压力梯度的影响。