- Government tris to stay the low status in this case. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- A decline to a lower status or level. 降,下来倾斜到更低状态或水平
- Power distance influences how violations of high status and low status are interpreted (Burgoon, 1995). 权力差距也影响着地位高低的人们对于违背行为的解释。
- So polygyny increases competitive pressure on men, especially young men of low status. 因此,一夫多妻子增加了男性身上的竞争压力,尤其是地位低、年纪轻的男性。
- Poverty and low status are what all men hate. But if they cannot avoided in while staying in accordance with the Tao, you should not avoid them. 贫与贱,是人之恶也;不以其道得之,不去也。
- This job, while not restricted to unclean castes, goes largely to Untouchables, their low status condemning them to the most menial work. “贱民”们低微的身份已经注定了他们主要从事于体力劳动。
- The culture ofChinese ancient feminality is very rich, but the most important is that the feminality possessesa very low status. 谚语中的中国古代女性文化内容复杂多样,但贯穿其中的一个最主要的特点就是男尊女卑,相比男性来说毫无地位可言。
- Power distance influences how violations of high status and low status are interpreted (Burgoon, 1995).A violation (e.g. 权力差距也影响着地位高低的人们对于违背行为的解释。
- People of low status sometimes agree to sex with people of higher status because the former internalizes the preferences of the later. 地位较低的人有时会不得以而同意与地位较高的人发生性关系,因为前者内化了投后者所好的思想。
- The first team against England, the Eria Hu had 24 points and 5 rebounds to help the team win, and then some low status. 首场对阵英格兰队,埃里亚胡就砍下24分和5个篮板帮助球队取胜,而随后有些状态低落。
- Women are a vulnerable group - because of the work they do, their care-giving role, the risks they face during pregnancy and childbirth, and their low status in some societies. 鉴于她们所做的工作,她们提供照护的作用,她们在妊娠和分娩期间面临的风险,以及她们在有些社会中的低下地位,妇女是一组脆弱人群。
- People of a lower status employ credit extensively to buy now and pay later. 低层社会的人大量使用信贷,今天购物,明日还钱。
- The javelin is a perfect weapon for the common low status Slav who can use his brawn to hurl them into the enemy's ranks.Light and mobile;the javelin is an infantry standard. 而标枪只需要用力投掷向他们的敌人,既方便而又不需要花时间去学习的武器,有良好的机动性,是步兵之选。
- Ma Tela also has the red card together on the substitution mat, such scene has been too familiar, he is from the so base and low status the growth is a world champion. 马特拉齐在替补席上还吃到红牌,这样的场面太熟悉了,他是从如此卑微的地位上成长为一名世界冠军。”
- I was aware of my low status. 我意识到了自己地位的低下。
- Her tragic fate reveals the subordinate and low status of the women as" the second sex" and " the other" in Elizabethan England, and shows that even if the queen was in reign,the patriarchy-centered culture was still deep-rooted. 她从新女性到父权制文化牺牲品的悲剧命运,揭示了伊丽莎白时代英国女性作为“第二性”和“他者”的从属、低下地位,说明即使在女王当政时代,父权制中心文化依然根深蒂固。
- As a matter of fact, when saluting to the emperor, the general and the grand coordinator stood in the leading position, while the magistrate, who was of low status, stood at the end of the line. 原来,各省元旦行朝贺礼时,巡抚和将军品级最高,站在队伍的最前排,而知县品级低微,站在队伍的尾巴上。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- It's not allowed that only the employees with lower status serve those with higher one, take them as "inviolable leaders" and obey them. 不能只是级别低的员工为级别高的员工服务,级别高的员工做大爷,发号施令。