- Treating low temperature and low turbidity raw water of Miyun reservoir with GAC deep bed direct filtration,the turbidity, odor and color of effluent are very lo... 以直接过滤方式运行处理密云低温低浊水,效果理想,对浊度、色度和嗅味的去除效果显著,对有机物具有一定的去除作用。
- Flocculation efficiencies and morphological properties of cationic polymers in the treatment of low temperature and low turbidity raw water 阳离子型聚合物对低温低浊水的絮凝效果与形态学特性
- Application of Cationic High Molecular Weight Polyelectrolyte in the Treatment of Low Temperature and Low Turbidity Raw Water and Its Flocculation Morphology Properties 阳离子聚合物用于低温、低浊水处理及其絮凝形学特性
- Treatment of low temperature and low turbidity raw water with compact flofilter of dissolved air flotation and GAC deep bed filtration by direct filtration 活性炭深床浮滤池以直接过滤方式运行处理低温低浊水研究
- low turbidity raw water 低浊度原水
- It is difficult to treat surface water with low turbidity, high color and abounding organic matter by coagulation, and coagulation and dissolved air flotation (DAF) process is used to treat this raw water. 低浊高色富含有机物地表水难于混凝,试验采用“混凝-溶气气浮”(“混凝-DAF”)工艺处理此类水,并与常规“混凝-沉淀”工艺进行了比较。
- low temperature and turbidity raw water 低温低浊原水
- raw water with low temperature and low turbidity 低温低浊水
- Accelerated clarifier is suitable for high turbidity raw water treatment,its operation could directly affect the safe,economical and reliable operation of future water treatment devices. 机械搅拌澄清池适于高浊度水型原水的处理,机械搅拌澄清池的运行状况直接影响后续水处理设备能否安全稳定经济运行。
- Experimental Study on the Process of Raw Water of Low Turbidity by the Technique of Micro-flocculation Direct Filtration 微絮凝直接过滤工艺处理低浊度原水试验研究
- Studies of enhanced coagulation on the treatment of the Beidu raw water with low temperature and turbidity in Ningbo by selected coagulants and intensity of agitation are reported. 报道了对低温低浊的宁波北渡水进行强化混凝处理时,混凝剂及混凝搅拌条件的优化选择过程及结果。
- Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Co., Led. 上海原水股份有限公司饮用水分公司。
- Surface water quality during this period of time is at low temperature, low turbidity and high chroma conditions. 结合我国当前低温低浊度高色度水处理中面临的技术问题,深入探讨低温低浊度水的处理机理和影响因素。
- Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Plc. 上海市原水股份有限公司。
- Tai Mei Tuk No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station. 大尾笃二号原水抽水站.
- This paper studies the humus removal in low turbidity water by fiber filter in batch test and sequence test systems. 采用自动投矾 -微絮两级陶粒直接过滤净水工艺 ,对增城中新低浊水源水进行试验。
- The test indicates that the turbidity varies with the condition of raw water in a narrow range, and it profits to realize optimal operation in manufacture. 试验表明虽然该浊度值同原水水质条件相关,但变化幅度不大,有利于在生产上实现优化运行。
- Warm, hot, raw water three dimensions separate thoroughly. 温热生水三度空间彻底分离。
- The results show that when PAC was used as the sole coagulant, supernatant with low turbidity can be achieved, however, only at very high dosage. 中文摘要台湾地区因具高山陡峻、河川短促之地理特性,河川流速湍急,河岸冲刷严重,且洪、枯水量差异大;