- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- The low wage had warmed the worker to strike. 低工资使工人愤怒得要罢工。
- How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage)? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样餬口?
- How do they manage to subsist(on such a low wage)? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?
- He could barely exist on such a low wage. 他很难靠这么低的工资生存。
- She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory. 她曾在一家茶叶厂工作,工资很低。
- Does trade with Low Wage Countries Hurt American Workers? 与低所得国家进行贸易是否将对美国工人造成伤害?
- How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage )? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?
- I'm not going to break my back working for such low wages. 我不愿为如此低的工资而拼命工作。
- Haw can he get by on such low wages ? 以如此低微的工资,他如何度日?
- The men walked out when they were asked to work for lower wages. 当要工人们为较低的工资工作时,他们就会罢工。
- There are extra benefits for people on low wages. 低薪者有额外补助。
- They raised an outcry in protestat their low wages. 他们大声抗议工资太低。
- He couldn't pay rent because of low wages. 由于工资太低,他付不起房租。
- Haw can he get by on such low wages? 以如此低微的工资,他如何度日?
- The low wages make him complaining. 他抱怨工资太低。
- Three years age she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in London. 三年前她曾在伦敦一家茶厂工作,工资很低。
- Fully qualified civil engineers of forty were happy to work as draughtsmen for a low wage. 完全具有开业资格的四十岁左右的工程师如能从事绘图员工作谋得低微的工资,就已喜出望外了。
- Poor living condition and low wages are the reasons why many teachers are drained away. 生活条件差,工资又低是许多教师被挖走的原因。
- It took many years of very low wage growth and rising productivity before Germany regained its edge on costs. 经过许多年工资极为缓慢的增长加上生产率提高,德国才重新在成本上获得优势。