- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- A difference in wage rate or in price. 工资级差工资或价格上的差异
- The low wage had warmed the worker to strike. 低工资使工人愤怒得要罢工。
- low wage rate 低工资率
- How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage)? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样餬口?
- How do they manage to subsist(on such a low wage)? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?
- He could barely exist on such a low wage. 他很难靠这么低的工资生存。
- She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory. 她曾在一家茶叶厂工作,工资很低。
- Does trade with Low Wage Countries Hurt American Workers? 与低所得国家进行贸易是否将对美国工人造成伤害?
- How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage )? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?
- Wage rates depend on levels of productivity. 工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。
- I'm not going to break my back working for such low wages. 我不愿为如此低的工资而拼命工作。
- After discounting for changes in consumer prices,the average wage rate increased by 4.4 percent in real terms. 扣除消费物价的变动后,平均工资实际增加了4.;4%25。
- After discounting for changes in consumer prices, the average wage rate increased by 4.4 per cent in real terms. 扣除消费物价的变动后,平均工资实际增加了4.;4%25。
- In all, 17 states have set minimum wage rates above the federal rate. 总共有17个州已经将最低工资定到了联邦水平之上。
- Haw can he get by on such low wages ? 以如此低微的工资,他如何度日?
- Do contract workers receive the same wage rates as local workers? 合约劳工是否享有与当地劳工一样的薪酬?
- The men walked out when they were asked to work for lower wages. 当要工人们为较低的工资工作时,他们就会罢工。
- There are extra benefits for people on low wages. 低薪者有额外补助。
- Over the same period,the average wage rate in the manufacturing sector fell by 0.6 per cent in money terms,but rose by 4.6 per cent in real terms. 同期,制造业的平均工资,以货币计算下降了0.;6%25,以实质计算则增加4