- low--cost rental housing 廉租房
- Rental housing is allowed on deposits? 租赁房屋是否允许收押金?
- The HA and HKHS manage about 723 000 public rental housing. 由房委会及房协管理的租住房屋单位约有723000个。
- Housing rental contracts: the rental housing area is? 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?
- Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is? 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?
- The HA and HKHS together manage about 723 000 public rental housing flats. 由房委会及房协管理的租住房屋单位约有723000个。
- To provide public rental housing to the needy,which is our priority. 第一,是为有需要的市民提供租住公屋。这是我们的首要任务。
- Mianma subsidiary machinery processing, sales, installation and rental housing. 棉麻附属机械加工,销售,安装,房屋出租。
- Party has called rental housing Chung Hau mother told how to solve the dilemma? 党叫租房娘叫买房自古忠孝两难该如何解决?
- Bedspace apartment lodgers are also encouraged to apply for public rental housing through the Waiting List. 当局也鼓励床位寓所居民通过轮候册登记申请入住租住公屋。
- Rooftop dwellers are encouraged to register on the Waiting List for public rental housing. 当局鼓励天台屋居民登记轮候公屋。
- So the more unreasonably low the rent ceilings are held, the more certain it is that the ‘‘scarcity” of rental houses or apartments will continue. 因此,政府所规定的租价上限越是低得不合理,出租房源的“稀缺”情况将持续下去就越必然。
- No person affected by the demolition of rooftop structures will be left homeless. Everyone will be rehoused in public rental housing or interim housing according to eligibility. 因当局清拆天台搭建物而受影响的人士,会按资格获编配入住租住公屋或中转房屋,不会无处栖身。
- Public rental housing now accommodates about 2.3 million people (34 per cent of the population) compared with 1.7 million in 1975. 在一九七五年,居住在公共屋群的居民人数为170万人,时至今日,居民人数已增至230万人,占人口的34%25。
- Rooftop dwellers who are eligible for public rental housing are encouraged to register on the public housing Waiting List. 当局鼓励合资格入住租住公屋的天台屋居民在公屋轮候册上登记。
- The Panel discussed the domestic rent policy and the Rent Assistance Scheme for public rental housing estates. 事务委员会讨论公共租住屋的公屋住户租金政策和租金援助计划。
- Hon James TO raised a question on the level of rents of public rental housing units. 涂谨申议员就公屋单位的租金水平提出质询。
- Maintaining supply of public rental housing for needy applicants with an average waiting time of around three years. 以平均大约三年的轮候时间为目标,继续为有需要的家庭提供公共租住房屋。
- Judgment handed down by the Court of Final Appeal on the judicial review cases concerning public rental housing rents. 终审法院就有关公屋租金的司法覆核个案作出的裁决。
- Even in rental houses, small appliances can not be slapdash purchase. 即使是在租住房里,小家电也不能马马虎虎购买。