- RT-aPCR: a Handy Tool to Detect Low Abundance mRNA 有效检出低丰度mRNA的方法
- low abundance mRNA 低丰度mRNA
- The reason for the low abundance of unusual blue straggler stars in M13 is remains unknown. M13含有极少量的蓝掉队星,不过天文学家目前为此不知道为何会是如此。
- The features of the biomarkers in the oil are of relatively low abundance of isoprenoidies, and no preference between pristane and phytane. 生物标志物中类异戊二烯含量较低、植烷与姥鲛烷均势;
- Tarim's HaDe thin sand reservoir which is named margin reservoir is a double layer,super deep,super thin,particular low abundance reservoir. 塔里木盆地哈得薄砂层油藏为双层、超深、超薄油藏,储量丰度特低,被评价为边际油藏。
- The stable isotope labeling technique provided an ideal method for accurately quantitating the low abundance proteins which play a key role in cells or tissues. 近几年来,定量蛋白质组的技术发展很快,稳定同位素标记技术的提出,为准确定量在细胞或组织体系中发挥重要功能的低丰度蛋白质提供了一个理想的方法。
- Objective: To separate the low abundance protein and establish the 2-DE synthetic map of total protein of human normal spermatozoa by using the 2-DE technology. 目的:运用二维电泳(2-DE)技术分离人类正常精子低丰度蛋白并建立全精子蛋白的2-DE整合图。
- Low abundance of pr 1 ene suggests high maturity of oils from Lunnan area, which are also supported by the fact that the n alkanoic acids are much more than di n alkanoic acids in yields of asphatenes by RICO. 沥青质热解产物中姥鲛-1-烯的相对含量较低,RICO产物中一元脂肪酸远高于二元脂肪酸,指示该区原油具有较高的成熟度。
- In view of characteristics of low abundance of reserves,low permeabi lity and low output,thispaper discusses a complete set of production technology centred on sandbody predtction bty seismic. 本文针对大庆外围油田储量丰度低、油层渗透率低、油井产量低等特点,系统阐述了以地震预测砂体为中心的一整套开发技术。
- The Male-Blue type had the lowest abundance (2.10%) and the lowest copulation ratio (0.375), but their numbers of copulating times were the highest (7.333). 雄蓝型的策略则是出现数量比例最低(2.;10%25),而获得交尾的个体比例也最低(0
- By this way, all high abundant serum proteins and most low abundant proteins disrelated to EMT-induction capability were removed in two steps. 经PAGE电泳将血清蛋白分为五组分,并对每组蛋白质进行EMT试验检测,发现具有明显EMT诱导能力的蛋白质主要在第四组分。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而倾覆。
- My home town lies low in a hidden valley. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。
- Low grades are getting Hellen down. 低分数使海伦闷闷不乐。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- Talking in a low voice were a man and a woman. 低声讲话的是一男一女。
- Judy bent her face low over the notebook. 朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。