- High efficiency gas reservoir 高效气藏
- Clastic rocks of Shaximiao gas reservoir in Pingluoba gas field have the characteristics of low permeability and super compactedness. 平落坝气田沙溪庙气藏碎屑岩具有低渗透、超致密的特性。
- The low efficiency of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. 移民归化局的低效率。
- Gas reservoir development indicates that edge water drive gas reservoir is much lower in recovery efficiency com pared to fixed volume gas reservoir. 摘要气藏开发实践表明,边水气藏的采收率要比定容气藏低得多。
- Some medical institutions are overstaffed with low efficiency. 一些医疗机构由于人员过度庞大而导致低效率。
- Xujiahe sandstone formation is a set of typical low pressure and tight gas reservoir in the Hebaochang-Jishichang Area between central and southern Sichuan Basin. 摘要四川盆地川南、川中过渡带荷包场-界石场地区的须家河组砂岩储层是一套典型的低压致密储集层。
- The condensate gas pool of Ordovician, Carboniferous and Triassic in Lunnan low uplift in Tarim basin belongs to deep and ultradeep condensate gas reservoir. 摘要塔里木盆地轮南低隆凝析气藏分布在奥陶系、石炭系和三叠系,属深层和超深层凝析气藏。
- The predicted results show that partial infill adjustment can further improve the development effect of the gas reservoir and get to improve the gas reservoir recovery efficiency. 预测和实际结果表明,局部加密调整能进一步改善气藏的开发效果,达到了提高气藏采收率的目的。
- Conversely, it will make the government overstaffing and low efficiency. 反之,会造成政府机构人浮于事、效率低下。
- This paper reviews the forming reasons of extremely low permeability of tight sandstone gas reservoir,including congenital aggradation and acquired diagenesis. 论述了致密砂岩气藏特低渗形成的原因:即先天的沉积因素和后天的成岩作用等。
- Library has big data information and handwork handling has low efficiency. 图书馆数据信息处理工作量大,手工处理效率低下。
- Most low permeability gas reservoirs belong to deformed media. 摘要大部分低渗透气藏属于变形介质。
- Pumping recovery well has a low efficiency in system generally at present. 抽油机井目前普遍存在系统效率偏低的问题。
- Its sulfur deposition badly affects the production of such a gas reservoir. 硫沉积现象严重影响了这类气藏的开发。
- Tectonic action and oil?gas reservoir forming in Neogene of Jiyang Depression. 构造作用与济阳坳陷上第三系油气成藏
- Having too many deputy posts leads to low efficiency and contributes to bureaucracy and formalism. 副职过多,效率难以提高,容易助长官僚主义和形式主义。
- It is reported that there are plentiful oil and gas reservoir off our coast. 我国沿海有丰富的油气藏。
- Presents a gasbed identification method for log permeable gas reservoir. 介绍适用于低渗透气藏的气层判识方法;
- In contrast, CBM gas reservoir in low rank coals has a short but centralized adsorption equilibrium time and high initial relative desorption percentage and speed. 其化学分子结构、物理结构及显微组分的差异是导致该差异的主要原因。
- The workers could hardly put up with the terrible management and the low efficiency in that factory. 工人们对工厂的糟糕管理和低效率难以忍受。