- low - melting phosphate glasses 磷酸盐低熔玻璃
- By adding silver nitrate as antibacterial agent into the batch of phosphate glass,the author has prepared the antibacterial glass in high temperature melting furnace. 采用高温熔融法,在磷酸盐玻璃的配合料中引入抗菌剂硝酸银,一次熔化制得抗菌玻璃材料。
- Account should be taken of the low melting point of this substance. 应该考虑到这种物质的熔点低.
- Employed the low melt point B-Si glass as the matrix, doped the luminescence materials, and prepared the long afterglow luminescence glass. 并以硼硅酸盐低熔点玻璃为底材,掺杂该发光粉体,在一定温度下烧成,结果制得长余辉蓄光玻璃。
- Polypropylene(PP) had poor foamability because of its low melt strength. 聚丙烯(PP)熔体强度低,发泡性能差。
- Lead phosphate glasses doped with iron and/or vanadium are of particular interest to their electrical, magnetic and structural properties. 钒、铁磷酸盐玻璃作为一种半导体材料受到许多研究者的关注。
- A halogen element, F, is major raw materials deriving fluorine compound, and because of low melting point, that is widely used in steelmaking, nonferrous metal smelting, cement, glass and ceramics. 萤石中含有卤族元素氟,是制取含氟化合物的主要原料,又由于熔点低而广泛用于炼钢、有色金属冶炼、水泥、玻璃、陶瓷。
- The MCRT consists of several smaller CRTs (e.g.about 10cm) to form a stand alone CRT with a large display screen (e.g.about 100cm)by the melting technology of low melting point glass powder. 它是由多个小尺寸(如10厘米左右)的CRT,采用低熔点玻璃粉的封接技术,做成一个具有较大显示面积(如大于100厘米)的CRT。
- The phosphate glasses doped with rare earth ions have been widely used in laser mediums and optical filter materials for their outstanding optical and spectrum characteristics. 稀土掺杂磷酸盐玻璃具有优异的光学和光谱特性,在激光介质材料、有色滤光材料等领域中有着重要的应用。
- Aliphatic polyesters are not used for fiber production, because of their low melting points. 脂肪族聚酯没有用来生产纤维,可能是熔点低的缘故。
- Due to the formation of low melting calcium-aluminates the corrosion resistance and hot erosion strength are reduced. 由于低熔点的铝酸钙的形成,火砖的抗腐蚀能力和抗热蚀强度降低了。
- Methods An artificial bone of phosphate glass ceramic was made to be filled perfectly into gap of the palatoschisis. 方法制备具有生物活性的磷酸盐微晶玻璃骨替代材料;
- The formula contains trace amounts of halogens, low melting metals and is low in chlorides. 适合书写在不锈钢或任何表面含降解、污染或其它不利因素影响亦被关注。
- Study on the spectralproperties of erbium ytterbium co-doped bismuth phosphate glass[J]. 引用该论文 曾彬;官周国;吕景文;薛汇丽;徐伟;谢秋香.
- The slag system has characters of low melting point,high optical basicity and good desulfurizing capacity. 该渣系具有熔点低、光学碱度高、脱硫能力较强的特点,脱硫率达到80%25。
- A novel double-cladding erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber amplifier(EYCDFA) based on phosphate glass fiber is proposed. 提出了一种新的基于磷酸盐的铒镱共掺双包层掺铒光纤放大器。
- Too low melt temperature: Inhomogeneous melt with cold material inside (Which cause empty parts, broken parts etc. 熔体温度太低:材料塑化不均,熔体内含冷料(从而造成充模不足,冷料,产品断裂等)
- The properties of antibacterial polypropylene compound material with Ag-carrying phosphate glass antimicrobial agent were studied. 对以磷酸盐玻璃载银抗菌剂制备的聚丙烯复合材料进行了性能研究。
- In addition, jewelry alloys used in wax setting and casting must have the properties of low melting temperature, good fluidity and anti oxidization properties. 用于蜡镶铸造的合金应具有较低的熔点、较好的流动性及抗氧化性能等。
- Properties of Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) of the phosphate glass waveguide laser pumped by LD at 980nm are also studied in detail. 利用数值分析的方法模拟了980nm二极管激光器抽运时激光器的放大自发辐射(ASE)特性。