- Discussion on the Low Temperature Impact Test ofCr-Ni Stainless Steel Weleded Joints 关于铬镍不锈钢低温冲击问题的探讨
- low temperature impact test 低温冲击试验
- The dynamic fracture toughness of 921A steel in different low temperature was obtained respectively with the instrumented impact test. 采用仪器化冲击试验,分别获得了不同低温状态下921A钢的动态断裂韧度。
- The results showed that the plate had high strength and low temperature impact toughness and good lamellar tearing resistant property and was weldable. 试验表明抗层状撕裂钢板具有高强度、高低温韧性、易焊接以及良好的抗层状撕裂性能,产品实物质量优于国家标准要求,满足了用户的特殊需求。
- It obtains low temperature toughness of China made grade X80 LSAW pipe by Charpy impacting test and DWTT. 通过夏比冲击试验和落锤撕裂试验(DWTT),测得国产X80级直缝埋弧焊接钢管低温韧性。
- This research studied the effects of quenched and tempered microstructure on the medium and low temperature impact toughness of grade CA-is martensitic stainless steel. 摘要本研究系探讨CA-15麻田散铁不锈钢铸件,经沃斯田铁化与回火处理后,材料组织改变及中/低温冲击韧性变化的情形。
- Passed a series of strict test: low temperature starting test, low temperature rating test, endurance test, reengagment test, impact test, waterproof, dustproof and armture overspeed tests. 经过严格的形式试验:低温起动、低温额定功率、寿命、反拖、冲击、防水、防尘以及电枢超速等试验。
- The study of damage of low temperature brittleness on high manganese steel has been carried out by theoretical analysis and a series of impact tests. 通过理论分析和系列冲击试验,对高锰钢出现的低温脆性损坏进行了分析研究。
- Notch impact strength of the all three filled UHMW PEs decreases, when the filler content is less than about 15 volume percent, the low temperature impact strength is still maintained high. 填充三种填料后,冲击强度都有所下降,但当含量控制在15%25以内时,还具有较高的低温冲击性能。
- elevated temperature impact test 高温冲击试验
- The eugenol-siloxane polymer becomes a kind of important PC additive at abroad, which is used for improving PC"s process mobility, indentation sensitivity, fire retardant, low temperature impact etc. 表面能极低,可以有效改善聚合物链段运动能力。
- The quenched and tempered steel WH80Q offers high strength, excellent low temperature impact toughness, lamellar tearing resistance and lower aging sensitivity factor. 舞钢研制开发的调质钢WH80Q具有高强度、良好的低温冲击韧性、抗层状撕裂性能、较低的时效敏感性系数。
- Brittle Temperature With Low Temperature Impact 低温冲击脆化温度
- low temperature impact toughness 低温冲击韧性
- The food should be kept at low temperature. 这种食品应低温保存。
- Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。
- All the cars must experience an impact test. 所有小汽车都必须经过碰撞试验。
- Keywords Ductile iron;Low temperature impact toughness;Alloying;Graphitization; 球墨铸铁;低温冲击韧度;合金化;石墨化退火;
- Lead fuses at a low temperature. 铅在低温下就熔化。
- high temperature impact test [化] 高温冲击试验