- Dysmenorrhea tools to apply, the lower abdomen pain and chills, pain reduction in the heat, fewer black people. 适用于寒凝痛经,小腹疼痛而冷、得热痛减,经少色黑者。
- This patient has fever and lower abdominal pain that I cannot explain. 我不能解释这个病人的发烧和下腹痛。
- Dysmenorrhea, is passing through before or during the walking unbearable abdominal pain, lumbar acid, lower abdomen Zhuizhang or other discomfort, and even impact study, live or work. 痛经,是指行经前或行经期间出现难以忍受的腹痛、腰酸、下腹坠胀或其他不适,甚而影响学习、生活或工作。
- We recommemd that children with an unexplained abdominal mass with or without lower abdominal pain should undertake a prompt Ultrasound Scan ( US). 小儿下腹部肿块伴有或不伴有腹痛术前均应作B超明确肿块来源及性质。
- A 4-year-old girl with urachal cyst abscess who suffered from low abdominal pain and fever is presented. 我们最近有一例四岁女病童罗患脐尿管囊肿脓疡。病童于入院前两天,有下腹疼痛,合并发烧的情形。
- We describe a 45-year-old woman with a 20-year history of endometriosis presenting with a 3-year history of intermittent cramping periumbilical and lower abdominal pain. 我们报告一位45岁女性病人,已有20年子宫内膜异位的病史,最近三年有间歇性肚脐周围及下腹部绞痛。
- The performance of fever, lower abdominal pain, course length, bimanual examination tenderness Obviously, the application of antibiotic treatment of mass narrowing. 表现发热,下腹痛,病程长,双合诊检查触痛明显,应用抗菌素治疗包块缩小。
- I have a pain in the lower abdomen. 我的下腹部有点痛。
- A 31-year-old primigravida presented to us with intractable low abdominal pain arose from uterine fibroids for 7 days that affected her daily life at 13 weeks of pregnancy. 摘要本文描述-31岁第一胎女性于妊娠13周时因子宫肌瘤造成的腹部剧烈疼痛的病例,此症状已持续了7天,以致其不能日常生活。
- Spasmatic pain in lower abdomen. 下腹部急迫痉挛,或痛或胀的症状。
- Dysmenorrhea refers to lower abdominal pain and distention associated with a woman's menstrual cycle.When severe, symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, cold sweats, and icy-cold extremities. 摘要痛经是指伴随月经周期而出现的下腹部胀痛或疼的一系列症状,严重者伴呕吐、恶心、出冷汗、手足冰冷等症。
- Results Ischemic colitis was most common in old people, especially those with history of related underlying conditions.Important manifestations were lower abdominal pain and hemafecia. 结果缺血性结肠炎好发于老年人,多伴有相关基础疾病,主要临床表现是急性下腹痛和便血。
- An infection through anal intercourse will affect the lymph nodes around the rectum, and the patient may experience pain when defecating, a bloody discharge, diarrhea and lower abdominal pain. 通过肛交的感染将波及直肠周围的淋巴结,病人大便时可能有疼痛、便血、腹泻和下腹疼痛。
- I have had lower abdominal pains off and on in the recent 6 months ever since the abortion. 从流产后,我的下腹疼痛6个月了,时好时坏。
- The region of the hips, groin, and lower abdomen. 臀部、腹股沟和下腹部区域
- The region of the hips,groin,and lower abdomen. 臀部、腹股沟和下腹部区域
- lower abdominal pain due to blood stasis 血疝
- Gentle massage of the lower abdomen may help. 轻松的按摩下腹部有帮助。
- May suppress the lower abdomen fat stack. 可抑制小腹脂肪堆积。
- Have you had any abdomen pain with your bowels movements? 你大便时肚子痛吗?