- lower her sailvi. 认输(甘拜下风;屈服)
- He signed her to lower her voice. 他摆摆手要她把声音放低点。
- I put some ice on her forehead to lower her temperature. 我把冰放在她额头上来降低她的体温。
- They claimed the more a woman consumed, the lower her risk of ovulation-related infertility. 研究结果显示,常吃冰淇淋的妇女患上与排卵有关的不孕症的风险较小。
- The dinghy gathered speed as the wind filled her sails. 风鼓起了帆,小帆船加快了速度。
- "Most of them would look a lot finer in gray uniforms and in Virginia," she said, and she did not trouble to lower her voice. "他们中的大多数人,要是穿上灰制服出现在弗吉尼亚,还会漂亮得多呢,"媚兰这样说,并没有想到要把声音放低一点。
- I love my clinging to the religion, the more I looked at her sink lower her grow stronger. I can see her heart all wounds. 我固守着我对爱情的信仰看着她挥霍,我越沉越低她越挫越勇。我能看见她心底所有的伤痕。
- There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail 海港就在那边,船儿已经扬帆
- ” FAL Far East has set her sail and started her journey. 泛铝远东,已扬帆启航,以推动中国幕墙铝蜂窝板的普及与发展为己任;
- Tigress walked in a westerly direction and Xiangzi fol- lowed her to the archway ax one end of Beihai Bridge. 虎妞往西走,祥子跟到了金鳌玉呜。
- At last, however, she fell right into the wind's eye, was taken dead aback, and stood there a while helpless, with her sails shivering. 然而现在,它的船头居然对准了风头,被风吹得停在了那里,毫无任何办法,船帆不住地抖动。
- A rope used to raise or lower a sail, flag, or yard. 吊索,升降索用来升起或降下船帆,船旗、帆桁的绳索
- Surrounding islands From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind. 人们从斯开波斯布朗和周围的岛屿前来观看这艘美丽的战船扬帆起航,乘风前进。
- From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind. 人们从斯开波斯布朗和周围的岛屿前来观着这艘美丽的战船扬帆起航,乘风前进。
- Moving through the air high spars of a threemaster, her sails brailed up on the crosstrees, homing, upstream, silently moving, a silent ship. 一艘三桅船上那高高的桅杆正在半空中移动着。这艘静寂的船,将帆收拢在桅顶横桁上,静静地道潮驶回港口。
- A rope attached to the lower border of a sail. 脚缆系在船的较低的沿上的绳子
- Speak to her? I'd never lower myself. 跟她说话?我可不自贬人格。
- Lower the sail or the boat will be knocked down. 把帆放下来,否则船会被风吹翻的。
- Her voice dropped to a lower pitch. 她的声调低了下来。