- lumbosacral plexopathy 腰骶丛病
- Pain is most severe in the lumbosacral area and may radiate into the buttocks. 腰骶部疼痛最重,并可放射至臀部。
- It occurs at the cervicothoracic, thoracolumbar, or lumbosacral junction. 例如,颈椎末端的横向移行可能会看上去像一根肋骨。
- The Effect of Increased Ambient Pressure on Lumbosacral Motoneurone Excitability in the Rat. 增强的外界压力对老鼠腰骶运动神经元兴奋性的影响。
- Objective: To study the unusual relationship between the herniated lumbar disc and the injured lumbosacral radicular. 目的:观察腰椎间盘突出部位与受压腰骶神经根之间存在的异常关系。
- In 6 cases with meningocele, lumbosacral dorsal subcutaneous cystic mass connecting with subararchnoid space. 脊膜膨出6例,腰骶背部皮下囊状突出物与蛛网膜下腔脑脊液相通。
- The types of braces included Boston, Charleston, lumbosacral brace and Milwaukee, etc. 均采取各种支具治疗青少年脊柱侧凸症。 支具类型包括Boston、Charleston、胸腰骶支具和Milwaukee等。
- Objective In order to improve the clinical value of EMG,which helps to diagnose lumbosacral radiculopathy. 目的:提高肌电图检查对腰骶神经根病辅助诊断的临床使用价值。
- The cutaneous lesions over the lumbosacral region were subcutaneous lipoma, dimples and hemangioma. 而其腰荐区的皮肤病灶有皮下脂肪瘤,凹陷及血管瘤;
- Lumbosacral enlargement - corresponds to the lumbosacral plexus nerves, which innervate the lower limb. 腰部扩大相当于腰骶丛,而这里是支配下肢的。
- Abstract Objective In order to improve the clinical value of EMG,which helps to diagnose lumbosacral radiculopathy. 摘要 目的:提高肌电图检查对腰骶神经根病辅助诊断的临床使用价值。
- Objective To investigate the applied value of MR PROSET in depicting normal lumbosacral nerve roots. 目的观察和探讨正常腰骶部脊神经根的解剖和磁共振PROSET序列显示腰骶部神经根的价值。
- Study Design. Quantitatie ersus subjectie ealuation of sacral doming in lumbosacral spondylolisthesis. 研究设计:客观和主观评价腰骶段滑脱患者的骶骨隆起。
- Conclusion.This study confirms the releance of the SDSG index to assess sacral doming in lumbosacral spondylolisthesis. 结论:本研究确认了脊柱畸形指数评价骶骨隆起在腰椎滑脱患者中的意义。
- For the disease of axillary artery thrombosis with brachial plexopathy, patients should received aggressive rehabilitation program to improve their dependency and ADL function. 而对于上述病症,病患应接受积极性的整体复健治疗,尽可能改善其日常生活功能。
- Objective To introduce a new approach of Lumbosacral vertebra anterior operation. 目的介绍一种腰骶椎前路手术的新入路。
- Lumbosacral lipoma can be responsible for progressive neurological and urological defects. 腰骶部脂肪瘤导致了神经功能和小便功能的缺失。
- A transitional vertebrae at the lumbosacral junction can cause arthritis, disk changes, or spinal cord compression. 一项研究发现患有腰骶椎移行的雄性德国牧羊犬罹患马尾神经综合征的风险更高。
- Fist-back-hitting manipulation is mainly applied to Dazhui and the lumbosacral portion. 拳背击法主要用于大椎及腰骶部。
- Soft tissue diaphysis protruding into the pelvicand abdoninal cavities can be seen with lumbosacral giant cell tumors. CT能显示骨巨细胞瘤的内部结构,腰骶部骨巨细胞瘤可显示突向盆腔和腹腔内的软组织块影。