- Chart), 35 blocks and child-headed luxury villa was demolished! (图)名义户主竟是小孩35幢违法豪华别墅拆!
- We mainly develop luxury villas, and build a rarely villas group as it has huge area of afforest. 公司主要开发项目为高档别墅,是北京罕有的坐拥大面积绿化的别墅区。
- And at seven square metres of luxury villas comparison, "Rancho de Santa Fe" is quite economy. 与动辄六七百平方米的豪华别墅比起来,“兰乔圣菲”显得颇为经济。
- Wenyuhe overall plan is to bring Changping, Shunyi and Chaoyang Linhe luxury villas available as a connecting corridor. 温榆河带的总体规划是把昌平、顺义、朝阳已有的临河高档别墅连接成一个带。
- LED Vivid Animal Light : widely used for the yard, parks, residential apartments, luxury villas, family,and so on. LED仿生物灯:广泛应用于庭院、公园、公寓小区、豪华别墅、家庭等场所。
- Ziyushanzhuang Beijing development earliest and largest, the most recent luxury villas from the city center. 紫玉山庄是北京开发最早、规模最大、距离市中心最近的高档别墅区。
- Since 2001, Xin Min region luxury villa with the best, Songjiang, Nanhui, and other places have been many villas. 自2001年以来,随着莘闵地区的高档别墅的热销,松江、南汇等地相继出现了许多别墅区。
- Shanghai Pudong New Area Links Executive Community Ltd is a wholly foreign owned companythat develops and manages high end luxury villas. 上海浦东新区林克司外商休闲社区有限公司是一家从事于开发和管理超豪华别墅的外商独资企业。
- Glenn Ormiston, a reservations agent at Wimco Luxury Villa Vacations and Hotels, in Newport, R.I., says her company's villas on the island of St. 金融危机对奢侈品消费的全面影响还要几个月才能显现出来,这是因为华尔街精英们的多数大手笔消费都是在他们每年12月至2月间发完奖金后进行的。
- Despite the Shanzhenhaiwei and eat, drink Qiongjiangyuye, take the Mercedes-Benz, BMW than, luxury office buildings and luxury villas, after all, just pale into insignificance. 尽管与吃的山珍海味、喝的琼浆玉液、坐的奔驰、宝马比起来,豪华办公楼与豪华别墅毕竟只是小巫见大巫。
- In an cold winter,a couple had to move out from the luxury villa because of bankruptcy. 在一个寒冷的冬天,一对夫妻不得不离开奢华的别墅,因为他们破产了。
- At least it no longer has time to enjoy the sun, thus losing patience with a bloom, when a person has to buy a big luxury villas, but not the spirits of the sun, how sad ending! 至少人们不再拥有享受阳光的时间,从而失去陪伴一朵花开的耐心,当一个人终于买到了一间豪华的大别墅,却没有了晒太阳的兴致,是多么可悲的结局!
- Jin-an industry located in the Chinese financial center is called - in Shanghai, is the focus on the business of luxury villas with Chinese metal door manufacturing process! 详细描述:锦安实业坐落于有中国金融中心之称的--上海,是专注与豪华别墅门行业的中国金属工艺门制造企业!
- Luxurious villas are magnificent in design and high in price. 豪宅别墅,设计华丽,价格昂贵。
- Wen old in Shenzhen, Hainan sets more luxurious villas. 老温在深圳,海南还有两套更豪华的别墅。
- Especially at the luxury villa money, but also by the strength of buyers warm pursued. 尤其是一些售价不菲的高档别墅,亦受到实力买家的热烈追捧。
- As a luxury villa properties on behalf of the policy when the wind tight mouth will show how the situation? 别墅作为高档物业的代表,在政策风紧的当口,会呈现怎样的态势?
- In recent years, some districts at the Shanghai Housing industry, a big hotel, a residential area, a luxury villa after another in rows. 近年来,上海一些区县瞄准了房产业,一个个大饭店、一个个住宅小区、一栋栋中高档别墅拔地而起。
- "Mr.Lin encountered cash flow problems in the business of his own at Yantian luxury villa hock out, the necessary funds fully in place. 林先生在生意遇到资金周转不灵的情况下,将自己位于盐田的豪华别墅典当出去,所需的资金全部到位。
- Villa in secret along the contour pads Department Bureau luxury villa as near water, the most luxury villa located in the Island Peak and sophisticated. 别墅结合山势,沿等高线错落部局,高档别墅尽量临水,最高档别墅位于山顶和岛的尖端。