- machine instruction code 机器指令码
- Synonymous with illegal: used with instruction code, character, etc. 与“非法”同义,主要用在:置于指令码、字符等前面,构成禁用指令码、禁用字符等。
- A basic or fundamental unit of machine instruction or translation. 基元机器指令和翻译的最小的或最基本单位
- Synonymous with illegal: used with instruction code,character,etc. 与“非法”同义,主要用在:置于指令码、字符等前面,构成禁用指令码、禁用字符等。
- A basic or fundamental unit, often referring to the lowest of a machine instruction or lowest unit of language translation. 一种基本单位或基础单位,常常指机器指令的最低一级或语言翻译的最低的单位。
- Decoding The computer process of interpreting instruction code. 解示指示代码的电脑操作过程。
- Decoding: The computer process of interpreting instruction code. 译码:解示指示代码的电脑操作过程。
- An instruction code containing no instruction code for the following address. 一种不含后续地址的指令代码。
- A small,specific instruction,used in series to make up a high-level machine instruction. 微指令一个小的特殊的指令,组合使用以产生高级机器指令。
- A small, specific instruction, used in series to make up a high-level machine instruction. 微指令一个小的特殊的指令,组合使用以产生高级机器指令
- Description The number of operands given to some machine instruction mnemonic does not match the number of operands required by that instruction. 大概翻译下:某些机器指令助记符的操作域数目跟编译器里要求的数目不匹配。
- The microprocessor instruction code must have some bits to identify every possible source register and destination register. 微处理机的指令代码就必须要有若干位,以便能够识别出每个可能的源寄存器和每个可能的目的地寄存器。
- The CPU execution unit has detected an invalid opcode (the part of the machine instruction that determines the operation performed). CPU执行单元检查到一个无效的操作码(决定执行操作的指令的一部分)。
- Microprograms are mainly used to implement machine instructions. 微程序主要用于实现一些机器指令。
- To filter, you can either restrict the list of rules that are applied, or instruct Code Review to apply the rules to a limited set of classes. 为了实现过滤,你可以严格定义使用的规则或者对一些限定的类应用特定的一些规则来进行代码复查。
- An instruction for operations at a level lower than machine instructions. 操作级低于机器指令的一种指令。 2.;An instruction of a microprogram。
- Abstracting the semantics of the machine instructions to generate an intermediate code representation is key for a decompiler. 对机器指令进行语义抽象以产生中间代码表示是反编译程序的一个关键环节。
- "Basic" refers to the BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language, a language used by more programmers than any other language in the history of computing. “Basic”是指BASIC(初学者通用符号指令码)编程语言,一种在计算历史中比任何其他语言都更常用的语言。
- A software program that accepts a command and interprets that command into machine instructions. 接受命令并将该命令解释为机器指令的程序。
- These four operations, together with their options, use all 256 instruction codes. 这四种操作再加上对于它们的各种选择方案,总共需要用掉全部256个指令代码。