- There was hardly any machine building industry then. 那时候几乎没有什么机器制造业。
- The machine building industry reacted upon the coal industry considerably. 机器制造业对煤炭工业产生很大影响。
- He Guangyuan, former Minister of Ministry of Machine Building Industry, and other leaders and experts in China automotive industry visit Hangsheng Electronics. 原机械工业部部长何光远等汽车界领导、专家莅临航盛考察。
- Companies in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France benefit from the close proximity to the large machine building industry as well as the automotive OEMs. 德国、瑞士、意大利、法国的公司受益于接近大型机械制造业,以及汽车原始设备制造商。
- China plans to sharpen its manufacturing technology to become a world's manufacturing power in 15 years, academician Liu Baicheng said at a forum on China's machine building industry. 中国工程院院士柳百成在一次中国机械制造行业论坛上说,中国计划加强其生产技术,以期在15年之内成为世界生产大国。
- State Bureau of Machine Building Industry 国家机械工业局
- Ministry of Machine Building Industry 机械工业部
- Use Mechanical Modular to Develop Machine Building Industry 运用机械模块学促进水利机械的发展
- Review on development of machine building industry in 20th century 回顾20世纪机械制造业的发展
- Ideas on the Development of China Machine Building Industry in the New Century 新世纪我国制造业发展战略的思考
- Electrical Science Research Institute of the Ministry of the First Machine Building Industry 第一机械工业部电器科学研究院
- Electrical Science Research Institute of the Ministry ofthe First Machine Building Industry 第一机械工业部电器科学研究院
- China Ship Building Industry Corporation. 中国船舶重工业集团公司。
- Chongqing Ship Building Industry Corp. 重庆船舶工业公司。
- Suzhou Kelong Machine Building Co., Ltd. 苏州科隆机械制造有限公司。
- Guizhou Yingji Machine Building Co., Ltd. 贵州英吉机械制造有限公司。
- Shanghai Weide Machine Building Co., Ltd. 上海韦得机械制造有限公司。
- The Enforcement Regulations for Speeding up Vitalizing Machine Building Industry Issued by the State Council 国务院关于加快振兴装备制造业的若干意见
- Inflation knocked up much of the building industry in the U. S. 通货膨胀使美国许多建筑行业遭到破坏。