- macro programming function 宏程序
- The macro program extends the aided compute function of the CNC machine to the full and plays an important part in the extension of the CNC machine porcessing function. 利用插铣法和宏程序进行矩形腔铣削,大大节省了数控加工时间,对数控机床加工功能的扩充起了很大作用。
- Interconnection of programming function is carried out on a matrix board. 各种编程功能之间相互衔接在矩阵板上进行。
- Macro viruses are viruses that use another application's macro programming language to distribute themselves. 巨集病毒是一种透过其他应用程式之巨集语言来散播本身的病毒。
- The paper introduces graphs aided programming and macro programming in NC system,and then presents the syntax analysis process of macro program. 介绍了数控系统中图形辅助编程和宏程序编程两种编程方法,并给出了宏程序的语法分析过程。
- Based on the macro program of Hua-zhong NC system, it designs the milling NC program for outside hemisphere. 通过对华中数控系统中宏程序的发掘利用,顺利在经济数控铣床上实现了外半球的加工。
- As a very convenient and practical programme method,macro program design should be given sufficient attention and promotion. 数控宏程序设计作为一种非常方便实用的编程方法应给予足够的重视并加以推广。
- But the in re the latter then requires the application program function complete, easy praxis etc. characteristics. 而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。
- A new process of bayonet CNC super machining is given in this article, and the detailed NC program and customer’s macro program are presented . 介绍国内外雷管卡口工序现状及存在的缺陷,文中设计了一种雷管卡口工序自动闭锁装置,对光电传感器进行了试验和数据分析。
- A network control program function that presents an interruption to indicate that a predetermined period of time has elapsed without the occurrence of an expected event. 一种网络控制程序中的操作程序,可以发出一个中断,表明预定的时间周期已被用完,但没有发生期望的事件。
- The system layouts the basic geometry shapes、 establishes the specializing Macro program library of them and automatically creates the program to specialize and manufacture. 系统对工件的基本几何特征进行规划,建立了基本几何量的检测宏程序库并针对具体工件自动形成检测加工程序。
- Multi-step programming function is available and rear stopper is able for automatic adjustment for position of rear stopper. 多步编程功能,后挡料自动运行连续定位,实现后挡料位置的自动调节;
- Tells the characteristic and use of the plunge milling,and points out the process of milling rectang antrum based on the macro program,which economize the processing time. 分析了插铣法的特点和用途,指出了插铣法加工矩形腔的宏程序编制过程。
- One of characteristics of DTV is EPG (Electronic Program Guide), whichprovides easily and friendly user interface and fast browsing program function. EPG被看作是数字电视的一个重要标志,它为用户提供一种容易使用、界面友好、快速浏览节目的方式,为用户提供整个平台的节目信息。
- In the module of video capturing ,we used the programming function of the v3a videoplus board to capture video ,and made motion detection with the images. 在视频采集模块中,通过使用采集卡的编程函数进行采集图像,并对采集的图像序列进行运动目标检测。
- We design some SAS macro programs to output directly the statistic form of CV by applying SAS statistical software. 通过编写SAS宏程序,可以应用SAS统计软件直接输出以上变异系数的统计报表。
- Explained why metaprogramming is necessary, looked at some of the components of metaprogramming, showed how to build a code generator, and introduced language-sensitive macro programming. 解释了为什么需要进行元编程,研究了元编程的一些组件,展示了如何构建代码生成器,并介绍对语言敏感的宏编程。
- The years of experiences pool into the present development, which guarantees the best program function and brings high-efficiency performance and best cleaning effect. 数年的经验汇聚成了现今的发展。保证了最佳的程序功能,带来了高效的性能和最佳的清洗效果。
- Most macro programs have key loggers though and virus, should always scan your computer after trying one to double check. 即便我们是中国人,即便我们的文化对它有种种莫名其妙的排斥,但我们依然无法释然,无法置身其外,无法自欺欺人!
- On the other hand., one of the characteristics of DTV is EPG (Electronic Program Guide), which provides easily and friendly user interface and fast browsing program function. 另一方面,EPG被看作是数字电视的一个重要标志,它为用户提供一种容易使用、界面友好、快速浏览节目的方式。