- mafic pluton 镁铁质岩体
- Biotite is a subordinate constituent of the mafic and ultramafic rocks generally. 黑云母一般是镁铁质及超镁铁质岩石中的次要成分。
- The Penshan granitic body is a calc-alkaline pluton composed of muscovite alkali granite, two-mica alkali feldspar granite and biotite adamellite. 彭山岩体是由白云母碱长花岗岩、云母碱长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成的钙碱性花岗复式岩体。
- Wenquan granite is composed of two end-member rocks, one is the host rock of the acid end-member, and the other is the microgranular mafic enclave. 摘要温泉花岗岩体由酸性端元的寄主岩石和暗色微细粒镁铁质包体群及基性岩墙群组成。
- The deposit is hosted in the porphyritic monzogranite and breccia unit of Heyu composite granitic pluton. 该钼矿床产于合峪复式花岗岩体及隐爆角砾岩中。
- The discriminant figures of tectonic setting show that the mafic rocks was formed in seamount setting. 通过地球化学图件判别,认为该基性杂岩形成于洋中脊的构造环境。
- At eighteen he won the Prix de Rome;at thirty he exhibited his Pluton tenant Cerbere enchaint (now in the Louvre). 从学于雷莫耶*,并去意大利留学过四五年,归国后,受到路易十五世的情妇特.;巴丽夫人的重用。
- The Shuanghe pluton is S-type granite and formed in the zone of the intercontinental collision. 双合岩体形成于板块碰撞同期,属S型花岗岩;
- The mafic rocks of the Early Palaeozoic ophiolite are mainly N-MORB, minorly T-MORB. 早古生代蛇绿岩中辉长岩、辉绿岩和玄武岩等镁铁质岩主要具N-MORB性质,少量具T-MORB性质。
- As to the activity of the components, the mafic component is more active than the felsic component. 在组分活性方面,镁铁质组分比长英质组分的活动更为明显。
- The Mayihe pluton,located in southern Jilin Province,consists mainly of gabbro-diorite,granidiorite,and monzogranite. 蚂蚁河岩体主要由辉长闪长岩-花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩构成。
- CH4 and contains melt of potassium-rich aluminosilicate, mafic aluminosilicate, carbonatite and sulfides. CH4挥发份的含富钾铝硅酸盐熔体、富镁铁铝硅酸盐熔体、碳酸岩熔体及硫化物熔体的富SiO2硅酸盐熔体。
- Yongtai stratigraphic sequence is a complex pluton,which is composed of 4 plutonic masses and 48 intrusives. 永泰序列系复式深成岩体,由4个深成岩体、48个侵入体组成。
- All the mafic and felsic volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits are therefore defined as the Kunlun type volcanic-hosted massive copper sulfide deposit. 这些基性火山岩型和酸性火山岩型矿床被统称为昆仑式火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床。
- The Fenghuangshan pluton, which consists of granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite, is the main part of the Fenghuangshan ore field. 中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室北京;
- Qitianling granite is a post-collisional,deep-sourced and hypabyssal,early Yanshanian high-K calc-alkaline granite complex pluton. 骑田岭花岗岩是燕山早期深源浅成的高钾钙碱性复式花岗岩岩体。
- Jinshui-Qingnikeng mafic layered complex body is located north rim of Yangtse plate, east-north position of Hanlan terrain. 汉南金水-青泥坑镁铁层状杂岩体位于扬子板块北缘汉南地体东北部,岩体侵位于中元古代西乡群。
- It was formed by the intrusion of Yan-shanian calc-alkalic pluton and vein and the subsequently cryptoexplosion and collapsing. 其中包括了震碎角砾岩、隐爆角砾岩、侵入角砾岩及坍塌角砾岩。
- Because of plagioclase fractionation, the magma became richer in mafic components and were then emplaced to form Fe-Ti-rich norites. 大庙斜长岩杂岩体的演化过程是:硅酸盐母岩浆首先晶出大量的斜长石晶体堆积形成斜长岩。
- The Penshan granitic body is a calc-alkaline pluton composed of muscovite alkali granite,two-mica alkali feldspar granite and biotite adamellite. 彭山岩体是由白云母碱长花岗岩、二云母碱长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成的钙碱性花岗复式岩体。